My Dog


Active Member
I lost my dog yesterday.....Bad accident..Dont really want to go into to many details...Lets just say he accidently hung himself..
Please have some tact....If you dont like bulldogs, pits, etc...Dont comment on my "Soul-Less Killer" dog...I can assure you he was the sweetest dog I have ever had...I had him for 6 1/2 years..
I miss you already....



Active Member
that had to be a shock :( i'm very sorry to hear you lost your pet (or as i think of mine, family member). hope you grieve well, but do get past it and go get another one!


Active Member
Yeah its been pretty hard thus far....I still have my Greyhound and my other dog Tonka...feels terrible to look out in the fence and to not see him standing there looking silly....


i'm so sorry... i know how it feels to look out in a backyard and be missing a family member that was out there


Active Member
oh, Niger. So sorry to hear. It's always so painful to loose a loved-one, especially so suddenly. My wish for you is that you'll be able to fill your heart with happy memories that will ease the hurt during this difficult time.


Active Member
So sorry. I can remember when I lost my dog last year due to cancer... It was soo hard on me. I went into it thinking that I wasnt going to stay in the room but I guess god or somehow Rusty(my dog) wanted me there.


Active Member
My childhood dog, that I had from birth till I was 12, died in the same "accidental hanging" manner.
So sorry you lost him, man. He was a good lookin' dog.


Active Member
Thanks to everyone..I am going to plant a dogwood where he is and hang his collar on the tree over him and a headstone at the bottom


I'm sorry for your loss. He looks like a real sweetie in his picture. Remember, all dogs go to heaven, and I'm sure he's up there running around "marking his territory" all over everything, and sniffing all the other dogs with wild abandon. I imagine my beloved Dalmatian, Chelsea, up there spending her entire day sniffing and licking everything we told her not to (I swear, that dog was so enamored with her own butt...)
By the way, the dogwood and collar is a very nice tribute.