My Domino found my anemone...wait, what?


I have a white (could be bleached - that's how I bought it anyway) anemone that has purple spots on the tips of its tentacles. The anemone came from the northwestern coast of the Dom. Rep.
I have 3 damsels in my tank. My newest one (1 week old) sleeps on the anemone's tentacles. During the day, it swims by the anemone and brushes against its tentacles. Cool, I don't need a clownfish.

By the by, do Dominos do this?


Yes mine did and it stole it from my maroon clowns soo... i dont have the domino anymore. hes got a new home.


Active Member
Yup, dominos often do this in the wild as well. Damsels and clownfish are in the same taxonomic family.