My Eel


Alright,................ is that a 12g? your white cheek, im not sure is SW. I believe that they are first brackish and lookin at the size should still be. What is the SG of ur tank?


Active Member
Pay no heed, boys and girls...this is just another name created by Buddy/DME/DragonMorayEels and the other 10 names he's made here.
He was just banned over at --, using the same name, after he banned the day before from using his DragonMorayEels name.
Some people will never get the picture, I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
sorry but i dont see how i would as i am new to this message board :notsure:

Not sure what you're saying there, blizz. I wasnt talking about you.
I was talking about "morayeels".


the recomended tank for the white cheek is a 20 gallon tank. I was thinking about going to a 30 gallon bow front tank.


this eel grows to 12inches. They dont move around much. They spend 99% of the time just sticking their head out of a hole.


Active Member
don't know if you're interested or not but if you like eels check out one of my snowflake morays .. I have 2 in my 65 gallon


The eels I have are a brackish water eels. I did place another one in with the green cheek and they are like two peas in a pod.I have a friend the has 3 in a 20 gallon a for years and there awsome.


I thinking about ripping down my 90 reef tank and starting over and setting up a reef tank for some eels. What I would like to do is place some 2" PVC inside the the tank and stack the rock around it so the rock covers the PVC and the eels have some great hiding spaces. The place my soft corals back into the tank. Any one have any other ideas?


Active Member
put a "maze" if u will of pvc under the sand bed, that way u can have u corals and u eels wont bother them...supposedly