My Emerald Crab Is A Happy Crab!! Check Him Out!


I am so excited!! My newly cycled tank and its first inhabitants. This little guy is one of our first and newest inhabitants and his name is is so cool!!! he has huge front claws and you can see him pick stuff off the rock and put it in his mouth...awesome to watch...I recommend these to all newbies!! Just purchased my first set of of clown the mated pair of maroon with white striped instead of gold....the gold striped ones are so much darker and I wanted to my children to still think of nemo I admit! So my new fish will be coming home on Saturday. Wish us luck, first fishies!! I will take some pics! Just thought I would share my crabbie pic! thanks all, very excited!


your new baby is adorable! wish my tank would finish so i could go buy cute babies....i am as green as your crab with envy:yes:


Active Member
Emeralds are one of the strongest little things ever! My starfish cant even hold up to him. My emerald just about pulls the scewer from my hand!!! :eek: :scared: