My Emperror 400 Filter Just Dies


My filter just died, it's 1 1/2 years old, is this normal? Is there anything I can check or should I just trash it? My next question is, should I replace with the same or is there something better? My tank is a 46 gallon bowfront. I guess I could get an HOB overflow and get a sump? Am I smarter just to replace what i have?
Have you cleaned the impellor at all, you may even need a new impellor. I have 3 running on different tanks for varied lenghts of time now all longer then your has run, I do clean out the impellor and spray bars on a regular basis. Thats not to say the motor hasnt died its possible. Ad far as upgreding to something else its personal choice. Im happy eith my 400s but the next tank will be drilled with no HOB items.


I have not done a thing to the filter. Where is the propeller? Is that on the intake side? Sorry, I don't know much about these filters?
yes the impellor is on the intake side below the flow manifold which is the part the intake tube goes into, the whole assembly comes out you remove the impellor rinse it (light scrub withan old toothbrush) abd there shoud have been a white brush kind of like a fat pipe cleaner with the unit when you bought it, use that to clean the impellor slot and the spraybars as well. To get the manifold out you need to remove both spraybars, the grey clips on each side of the housing need to come off( careful they will break) pull the bars out and you can lift the manifold/impellor assembly out. its really easy. NOTE DO NOT TAKE YOUR BIOWHEELS OUT OF SALTWATER< FLOAT THEM IN THE TANK. I usually do this during a water change and will lighty rinse the biowgeels in old salt water. Any questions PM me ill walk you thru it. Also a link here shows Part breakdown for visual help.