My Epic Hypo Story and Tribute to Terry B.



I posted this "book", my personal epic with Hyposalinity in another thread but have decided to post my 8000+ word synopsis (haha) for any new to hyposalinity to hopefully be encouraged...
And Terry B. (my hero) if you view this I have a question for you at the end...
Here goes the reprint:
MY hypo Experience
Hello all... and I bow to you Terry B. oh great one of the hyposalinity truths!
I have not posted for some time but felt a great need to share my experiences...
I have a FOWLR... just some live rock, an Imp A., a French A., a Naso (over 7 years old), a Blue Regal T., an Achilles T., a Niger Trigger and a Red Coris W. and various crabs and pods and other critters... by somes opinions a bit much for a 125g but what I want to convey is that over a year ago I Quarantined all my originally 9 fish in 3 rubbermaid containers (50/50/40g) all plumbed together in a makeshift homebuilt wet/dry (bio-balls) filtration system... (was upgrading from a 55g to the 125g which I stole from a friend cheap!--)
For the record I lost 2 of the 9 eventually due to overcrowding in the 125g (obviously)... one a Flame angel that did not do well and possibly somehow acquired Brooknylia (pardon for not looking up the correct spelling during this post) or had been caught w/ cyanide??? and the other a small yellow tang that just eventually got cornered again due to my overcrowding... (we all have our faults/weaknesses!) I learned my lesson at the expense of sadly loosing 2 more of my dear friends. And I gave a third fish a Kole tang to a friend who had a 70g reef only tank with no fish and the Kole has done well in his new uncrowded home!
I had done considerable research prior to my purchases from of most of the fish (already had the Naso for years) on what my Quarantine regimen would involve to insure I did not seed my new tank with any parasites. Of course I came across the latest and greatest hypo and was hooked after reading all I could find out about it. (I never did like using Copper because you never really had a grip on if you had the terapeutic concentration maintained even with the best test kits!) I kept my prized purchases in this setup for 2 months. (I am VERY patient, as I have lost many fish in my 25+ years in this hobby!) Did many water changes, etc. Also did a fresh water dip I think w/ some sort of mythl-blue if I recall correctly prior to putting the new arrivals in their temporary Quarantine home.
AND FOR ALL OF YOU OUT THERE TRYING TO CUT CORNERS!!! I BOUGHT ALMOST EVERY HYDROMETER ON THE MARKET!!! AND NONE OF THEM ARE AS ACCURATE AS A REFRACTOMETER WHICH I FINALLY BOUGHT LAST!!! (believe me I have compared them all against each other, etc.) SAVE YOURSELVES THE Possibility of not having your salinity low enough and purchase a refractometer, they are as low as $50 at some online retailers!
You will not regret it and your hyposalinity treatment WILL be a success!
ALL my fish did fine, all eventually were eating regularly. I forgot to mention that I did monitor the pH somewhat adding buffer intermittedly. (Next time I will probably use ESV-B-ionic or Kalk in a more serious attempt to keep parameters pristine)
O.K. after 2 months the 125g was more than ready and I transfereed my disease free fish to their new tank.
YES MY "Ich Magnet the Achilles Tang" displayed clearly to me that there was an outbreak in my tank... (probably introduced via the recent coral or live rock additions!)
Don't go away yet, the best is yet to come...
I read some more and made the decision that I WAS NOT GOING TO LOOSE THIS BATTLE! I immediately removed all of my LIVE rock (I have some dead which I personally collected in Hawaii decades ago), and all of the inverts and crabs that I could find in the tank, I left my 1-2" of sand bottom knowing that all the life in it would soon be gone!
I moved all the stuff that Hyposalinity would kill to a smaller tank (10g or 15g) and set it up with a old hang on filter (the kind used in fresh water setups), heater, etc.
Since I now had decided to do Hyposalinity all over again in my main display tank... Somewhere in the midst of all this I had given the Kole tang away (before the outbreak) and had 6 fish left and could not resist putting in one more a small Niger Trigger (my first and last/only trigger) which I had read in many accounts was "reef safe" for some people.
I then (around October 2002) over a period of about 3-4 days gradually dropped my salinity to the required numbers as recommended by Terry B. in much of his literature/writings around 1.009 if I recall correctly (pardon me but it has been a while) or about/around 14 ppt (again I am straining my memory)... anyway don't use my numbers but read Terry's literature to get the facts for yourselves!
I am in the Navy and had to deploy for the soon to come conflict... and WOW get this, my ever so patient (with my addiction) wife learned to use the refractometer, maintained the salinity, (by keeping a watchful eye on my freshwater makeup "trashcan" w/ a pump/float valve setup), kept the pH buffered... etc. for about FOUR (4) months!!! Now if she could do it and she is an innocent bystander, what about you all...
Anyway she did have my mentorship in the form of occasional phone calls, and many daily at times emails. Not concerned with IF the fish were still sick or not, I eventually had her start adding salt to the (7 gallon) makeup water container/system... (adding another pump to it to stir it for a day)... and over about say 6 weeks she gradually brought the salinity back up into the 20's... (1.020-1.025) and eventually put all the inverts and live rock that I had removed back in. We even concockted a crude 3 or 4 water changes using this refill system to crudely make 7 gallon water changes weekly over a month's time before I returned to make several 30% changes about bi-weekly then monthly here recently. (getting lazy again)...
It has been about 8 months now and I have NO problems/re-occurances, nor do I have any medication of any sort in my tank. My sand bed is even alive again as I can see many pods proliferating in my filter (have not given up my bio-balls/nitrate factory yet) Furthermore I am SO PARANOID OF INTRODUCING ANYTHING INTO MY TANK THAT I QUARANTINE EVERYTHING, EVEN CRABS, CONCHS, CHATOEMORPHA, anything! For at least 6 weeks prior to adding it to my System. Note that I have only added crabs, conchs, live rock, inverts, macroalgae, etc. Although I have not added any new fish I do intend to give up my Red Coris Wrasse because I have learned that as he gets larger (currently about 4-5 inches) he will surely eat all of my crabs, etc. and I wish to keep as much diversity or get as close to a real reef setup eventually as possible. So I will eventually add one more "reef safe" fish in his place possibly and even if not I will be adding more fish in another year or so when I finally put my "retirement/dream 400-500g tank in my home". At that point what I am trying to get at is that I will be doing the Fish only hyposalinity quarantine method on all additions to my display tank. Believe me the Satisfaction of keeping your fish alive for years is/will be a true feeling of accomplishment.
So there is my Epic Tale. Take it or leave it, but I live by HYPOSALINITY!
***NOW JUST 1 ONE QUESTION FOR TERRY B. (I hope you did not fall asleep during my post!) ***
***If I quarantine live rock, inverts, corals, anemones, BASICALLY anything that IS NOT a FISH! Is there some way that the ich parasite or any of the other parasites dangerous to fish use any other life forms for a host or can "Ick" tommants (spelling???) stay in some sort of dormant stage even without a host (FISH or other life form if any) for over 6 weeks? Forgive my ignorance but perhaps I have missed something in all my research/readings?***
I REALLY DO QUARANTINE "IN VAIN". I will probably be keeping my new 500g tank as a reef only with no fish setup for at least 6 months as I stock it with everything I want prior to adding my pre-Quarantined "sterilized fish"... because after the fish go in, I will not add much else for I will surely be tired of Quarantining by then and will not want to chance messing this one up!!!
Thanks to all of you Dedicated fish lovers out there who share your knowledge, experience and views.
Regards, Joe.


As if I didn't say enough the first time... after going over my post again, I decided to stress a few more points for those planning to make the leap of faith i.e. are going to try hypo...
READ ALL YOU CAN BEFORE YOU START! (for example the very first thread in this Disease and Treatment section: "Basic FAQ" has awesome info about hypo and refractometers about midway down... and, I PERSONALLY RECOMMEND SEARCHING ALL THE LITERATURE BY

TERRY B. and you will gain a wealth of knowledge, specifically the correct NUMBERS involved, and the correct details of how hypo affects/stops the life-cycle of our favorite (NOT) parasite "dead in its tracks".
I have spoken to fellow hobbyists and noticed many posts on this forum and others on the web that suggests that many diving into hyposalinity are only partially informed.
You MUST take the salinity LOW enough!!! 1.014 for example is NOT low enough to STOP the life-cycle of ICH! Try to read Terry's discussions about how our fish "osmoregulate" themselves so you know what Salinity is too low!
Don't be afraid, again I stress that I kept my $500 or so worth of fish at 1.009 for 4 (four) months!
O.K. I guess I have said enough, good luck to all of you out there!


Hello Again Terry,
All readers out there, do you see why I like this man so much! He answers questions with as much detail as possible! Thanks for elaborating for me and the benefit of our readers on the stages of the Ich parasite again...
I hope all gather from this that YES it IS possible to infect your tank with the parasite in the "tomont" stage... the stage after they have dropped off a fish and have a sort of sticky glue-like material on their exterior allowing them to adhere to live rock, substrate, what have you... so all it takes is ONE or a Few of these to get into a tank with hosts i.e. fish for you to have a potential problem/outbreak in the future. Sure it may tank a few weeks or a month or two or three for the concentration to become significant after many generations/iterations of the parasite cycle, but as you can see from my story in this post IT WILL happen if you have fish and add items that have not been Quarantined or came from an other than "known" disease/parasite free tank.
This is one of the reasons (I think) that so many people in the Aquarium hobby today shy away from keeping fish or give up after repeated losses. I have had LFS owners tell me how easy corals are, that fish are the difficult ones... and they are right.
Proper Quarantine is a chore, a test of our patience, and a pain to execute but the payoffs are so worth it!
Truth is that corals require much more expenditure $$$ on equipment- lighting, additives, etc. (once again if done CORRECTLY without cutting corners)
So you can continue to throw the dice against nature or you can become informed and put a little more time and effort into your hobby and reap lots of satisfaction (and savings) from it...