My evil little Clarkii



I have a small Clarkii that is currently in my 14g with a Black Perc....Clarkii was there first. He's had other tankmates such as a True Perc and Tomato clown over the past couple months and it's always been the most gentle fish I've ever seen. With the addtion of the Blk Perc, his behavior is odd.
I've seen clownfish fight before in my other tanks, but this doesn't quite look like fighting. The Clarkii doesn't rush the Blk Perc, but he will swim up to him and with his mouth open, nudge into the Blk. It's slow and rhythmic and the Blk doesn't become submissive, shy away or swim away. I'm just confused, but I figure it must be some kind of aggression, they don't sleep together as my others have with him in the past.