My experience with anemones, bad to good


I wanted to share my experience with anemones because of some things i have read lately. I have a 37 gal reef tank that when I started out in the hobby had an eclipse hood with 2 18 watt bulbs, I added an extra 20 watt actinic bub this brought my watts per gal. up to about 1.5 wpg. During this time I tried about 4 different anemones (I wanted my clowns to be happy) They all died after about 3 weeks. I then decided to upgrade lights and filter. I now have gotten rid of the eclipse and have a wet-dry sump, proteen skimmer, use only ro water and have gone to 3 75 watt vho, bringing light total to 6 wpg. I now have had a Long Tentacle anemone for 14 months that has grown 7 times it's beginning size, when fully open it is about a foot across. I feed it a couple of pieces of krill about twice a month. I have also a rock anemone that has tripled in size in the 6 months that I have had him. I havent lost any anemones since I upgraded the system. I just wanted to let people know that they aren't difficult to keep, you just have to give them the environment that they need.


New Member
I'm trying my 2nd anemone now - the first was a LT that didn't fare too well under my 1 watt per gallon lighting at the time. :rolleyes: The current one was labeled a LT at my LFS, but looks more like a pink/violet sebae if you ask me.
Do you really feed it only 2 krill a month? I've been trying to feed it something pea-sized every 3 days. It seems to react well to the feeding, but then again what looks "well" to me may not be so for the animal. Do you think this is too much food?
Anyhoo, here's a pic of it with it's bestest friend emerald crab!


I feed my anenomes 1 small silverside about once a week. The silversides are about 2" long. You may want to feed yours a little than what you are. It does look like a pink sebae though.


Active Member
I feed my bta once a day... shrimp, scallops, or flake soaked in a vitamin solution made for corals/anemones. My lighting is a little weak, so I need to feed mine more often. Once my MH canopy is finished, I will probably feed it twice a week.

75g Reef
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[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: jacksonpt ]