My experience with Isistius

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I had been in the market for a yellow tang for a while every thing I saw at the 3 lfs in my area were really not what I would call prime I then saw Isistius was tearing down his tank and had a tang for sale we talked and he assured me the tang was in excellent shape I went out on a limb and bought it not having bought a fish on line before I was a little skeptical as he informed me that he had never shipped a fish before well I must say the packaging was first rate the fish was triple bagged and it is about the best looking tang I have seen in a long I kind of wish he hand more fish to sell anyway let me say I am sure anything he has for sale in the future I will give a good long look as well as anyone else should all on line sales should be this good


Active Member
the trader feedback is a great place for this (plus i want to get rid of that post so it's not on the front screen)

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
the trader feedback is a great place for this (plus i want to get rid of that post so it's not on the front screen)
i will repost thanks