my feather duster shed its crown...
is this good/bad/normal?
It was attached and out last night, this am, its crown is laying next to the stem that it usually comes out of...
please help....
mine lost it as well, I think it was stress, my temps were only 74 and sg was only 1.023 not sure if they are considered invertbrates? I saw the worm after the crown loss, but not sure if he is still in the tube.
Found on this website where you would gather info to purchase:
Feather Dusters are not often thought of as worms because what most people see is just the pretty feathery "crown" the worm inside uses to capture food. But there truly is a worm living inside the tan tubes they create using sand and secretion to create their home. The feathery crown is also called a "radiole" and is used as both gills and to bring food to its mouth which is at the center of that crown. Feather Dusters are very light sensitive and will quickly retract when approached or disturbed. Feather Dusters are known to "throw" their crowns which usually regrow within a few weeks.
That being said, one should be providing Phytoplankton to feed the duster with a turkey baster or something like that. One should also have a slight current so the radiole kind of waves in the water. When you feed it make sure the current carries the Phyto over the center of the crown so the duster takes in the nourishment.
More than likely, your duster is either in the tube or he is building another tube which also does occur.
Denise M.