My fire-fish won't come out.



The acclimation went very well last night. He was swimming around the tank looking for a cave and he finnaly found one. It is under the biggest rock and he can tottaly swim up some hole so I cannot see him at all. He hasn't come out except poke his head out a little and it sort of sucks. I can't really get any food to him iether. Any suggestions?


Active Member
They tend to be shy until they get used to your tank. Give it a few days and just continue your regular feeding schedule.


Should I have a shedule? I have just been randomly trying to spot feed my shrimp and fish. He is starting to come out a little more and almost completely left the cave a few minutes ago to get some food. As soon as I come close though, he darts right back in.


New Member
IN my experience fire-fish don't generally do good singly! I've almost always seen them kept sucessfully in groups of no less than 3. They seem to slowly just get more and more retiring, especially if you have active fish. Maybe, if your tank is big enough you can get two more so he won't be so lonely!


Active Member
If it's in the 12 gal eclipse you have listed, I'd leave it as the only fish. It's already starting to come out some. I kept a single firefish in a 55 and after a week or so it came out and hovered around a lot. It took a month or so before it was comfortable staying out when I approached the tank. On feeding I'd feed a tiny pinch once a day at the same time of day. JME