My first Coral


Hi everyone, suggestions needed. I think I am ready for my first coral. Which one makes a good beginner coral. I have a 25 gal mini reef. nitrite 0, nitrate 0, amonia 0, salinity 1.023. I am using a smart light and I will be getting my protein skimmer this weekend. The only fishy is a small skunk clown. I do have inverts, cleaner shrimp, hermits ( blue leggs and scarlets) 1 seabae anenome, 1 atlantic, and long tenical and a feather duster, 1 sally lightfoot I also have snails (turbo) and a very small piece of mushroom rock ( 4 small mushrooms) that I have been watching and they are doing great. What advise can anyone give. ( be nice) LOL!!
Length, width and height of tank. Highest point of rock below the surface. Distance lights are from the surface. Do you have a glass top. Number of smartlights and their wattage. Do you have a reflector and how old are the bulbs? Do you have any other lighting besides the smartlights?
That should about cover it.
Might seem like a lot of info just to decide on a coral but it is the only way to make a good choice.
[ May 03, 2001: Message edited by: slowest is fastest ]


Okay, I hope I got everything.
smart lamp is 32 wts. I only have the one and no other lighting ( the hood is too small) its only a mini reef. The reflector is about 2-3 mo old. The tank is glass : L-21, H-19, W-11... Rock is about 4inchs from water surface and light is about 4 inchs higher than surface. The top is not glass.
Hope that helps


Active Member
Your lighting is too weak to support any photosynthetic livestock, your anemones will not do well for very long.
Corals in general dont do well in reefs with anemones because the anemones will usually move around and injure or kill your corals.
You should rethink your reef livestock choices before going adding anything further to the tank.
Micro-reef are not recommend for beginners, they are to unstable in most cases and will usually crash, IMHO.
In your main post you answered your own question. Your first coral is the mushrooms you have. I agree since you have anemones your corals may not survive. As for what to get we can only tell you what is good the rest is your decision. You need to get sronger lights if confused why visit www.thereefweb.comlighting.htm. Also you definetly need a protein skimmer.