my first coral i was think trumpet or bubble. Which one would you pick? At my lfs they had a trumpet with 3 heads for 32.00 and a bubble for 30.00. are these good prices?
Here in FL that would be a bit high. Sorry but I don't know where you are and different regions have different prices. What may be high to me may be low to someone else in an other part of the country. Just boils down to what you think it is worth.
My first coral was a mushroom 2 years ago. That thing has spilt several times, and now I have about 15 of them in one area of my tank. Good water plus good light must equal many splits!
easiest coral to keep are shrooms, however if i started another tank i would leave them out, i started with 6 of them and now there are loads of them, i scrape them off the glass from time to time. Go with the trumpet