I just bought my first coral!!! I got a small Ricordia for $10. I know it sounds like nuthin', but I'm excited about it. I also got 20 nassarius snails. I bugged my LFS until they finally got some. They were 1.39 ea. Not bad. I also picked up a green emerald to help with some of my algae problems. No one probably cares about any of this, I just had to tell someone. :D Thanks. Lance.


Congratulations on your first coral! I remember the day I brought home my first coral....oh what a happy day. Anyways, good luck with it!
Was your ricordia attached or did you buy it loose? Mine was loose and it seemed it took forever for me to find a place it like and for it to attach to a rock. That was 3 months ago, it was an inch or maybe a little smaller. Today it is 4" or bigger and has produced a baby nearby. I feed it frozen brine shrimp directly with a turkey baster. I also dose with Kents Phytoplankton a few drops a day. Good luck with yours. Starting your reef is indeed a happy day.
i remember my first coral.. sun coral.. what a load.. it was enjoyable to watch it and feed it though..once you got the hang of it..


Active Member
All depends on yor lighting. Most often mushrooms or leathers are good starters if you have the proper lighting to start with.
Thanks for the response, all. My ricordia (3 polyps) was attached to a LR fragment already. I wedged the rock in between some LR about half way up the tank. It's a 90 gallon with 440 watts of VHOs over it. I tried to feed frozen brine, but I don't think I did it right. None of it seemed to hit the mouths? I'm sure I'll figure it out, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks again. Lance.