My first frag!!!!!


Hey check out my first frag. It's a Green Star Polyp. I can't decide where to put it. He was closed up last night when I brought him home, and it's already opened up. Check it out! I'm so pump!!!


Active Member
Looks nice! Be warned, once these guys get growing, they will grow out and all over the adjoining rocks! They do look really cool though!


Where is the best place to put them? Should I pick a particular rock, and just keep it trimmed or what. The guy I got it from cut 30 frags off his. It was huge.


New Member
Hi - never done this before, but saw you message on your frag. I too have these. New to the reef world. Do you give your corals any supplements? I keep hearing how these guys multiple, but mine haven't. thanks!



Originally posted by sriddell
Hi - never done this before, but saw you message on your frag. I too have these. New to the reef world. Do you give your corals any supplements? I keep hearing how these guys multiple, but mine haven't. thanks!

From what I have read, it says to feed small amounts of Roti Rich, Kent's Coral Accel, or Kent's Mearine PhytoPlex. I went to the LFS after work yesterday and bought the Phyto Plex. The guy there recommended some "Live" stuff in Liquid form that you would need to keep refrigerated. I opted on the Phyto Plex, which he referenced as dead, and not as good. That's basically what I know for now. Maybe an expert could dial in.



Originally posted by RUBBERDUCK

Thanks! I was told from the guy, that it's a little rare in the fact that usually there is a lot of brown, where this one has very little if any. The one they had at the LFS was almost all brown except for the center.


I would put this piece in an area that has good flow (medium to high flow) and separated from your main rockwork. Mine grew on one main rock that I have zoos on them and the gps is quickly taking over.
It's a very cool looking coral (especially under actinics only), but will spread and kill other corals.
I'd put a small rock next to your frag, so that it'll grow on the rock...then sell that rock for like $10. That's what I do.


Hmm. Okay, that's kind of what I was thinking too. It just so hard to decide where. It I separate it from the main rock, will it grow across the sand bed, or will it stay on the one rock?