My first pics! HUGE Lion fish


Ok I was at my LFS which I have to give big ups to as far as FLS go. The fish are expensives, but stock is out of control and some of the staff there should be working at Sea World. I love to go there on my lunch break likes it a feild trip or something. Anyway to make a long story short, You favorite fish is the lion fish (which I will NEVER own for fear I might get stung doing something stupid) I walked in the store the other day and they had the biggest lion I have seen to this day. I remembered I had my cam phone and took a few pics. I hope I did this right. :notsure: Oh and by the way, I saw some of your pics! You guys are soo crazy! But I must say some of the ladies are really nice looking.
But I'll just leave it at that!



At the NC aquarium in OBX. They have 2 or 3 fully grown massive lionfish in probly a 250-350 gallon tank. They also have all kinds of scopian fish very beastly!!


Active Member
At the Shedd in Chicago, they have a large vertical wall tank (like 20' high) that has about a dozen lions in it.....some are over a foot long!!!! They are looking at the people walking by like they are lunch or something!


There is no reference point to see how big it is. It would need to be next to another fish that we know the size of for compasison.


New Member
Originally Posted by mumbulog
Obx ?
He means the outer banks of N.C....I love this place, as far as the lion fish, I'd love to have one too but id be to scared to clean the tank, lol