my first pictures haha


hey i just wanted to finally show everyone my newly started 35 gallon reef just a couple pics...
this is my tank with the first couple chunks of Live Rock
these are my mushrooms idk what kind they are i think blue striped
and some pics of my yellow polyps
and here is a full tank shot
and another shot
hope u like it tell me what u think


Active Member
i use photo bucket as well, see the third line under each pic? cut and paste the image link not the url link, the picture will show up not the address!! nice pics though...
it has a


anyone else wanna show me wats wrong with my tank like more rock different substrate fish lists stuff like that?????


Active Member
what kind of water circulation do you have? i didnt see too many powerheads, etc. what kind of filtration, skimmer, etc etc... more live rock is going to be neccessary, id say at least 45 lbs in your 35, its a natural filtration and great for maintaing water peramters and providing excellent cover for your fish.


ok my filter is tetra power filter 30-60 gallons i have a powerhead the sticker came off so idk what kind it is but im thinking of getting another one since im starting my reef and i dont have a skimmer do i really need one but ya im getting a black or blue backround soon


do u guys know where i can find like baserock or something cause i dont really have the kind of pieces to stack up i need to start stacking more but yeah i think im gonna get some more LR


Active Member
1) its on its way to becoming great

2)what kind of substrate is that?
3) is that how bright the tank actually looks or is it just the pic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cZoNe13
hey i just wanted to finally show everyone my newly started 35 gallon reef just a couple pics...
this is my tank with the first couple chunks of Live Rock
these are my mushrooms idk what kind they are i think blue striped
and some pics of my yellow polyps
and here is a full tank shot
and another shot
hope u like it tell me what u think
I like the pics. except the one with the Tang in a 35 gal. tank. The Tang Police will be searching you out!
No, just so you know they need NO LESS than 6 feet of swimming room which you are at about 1/3 that. What it will do is cause for the tang to get stressed, leading to loss of slime coat ultimately breaking out with ICH, infecting the whole tank. Which =to death to many. Save yor self the aggravation NOW and get rid of the tang or put him in a 110 or better tank. Just my $.02


Active Member
Originally Posted by cZoNe13
ok my filter is tetra power filter 30-60 gallons i have a powerhead the sticker came off so idk what kind it is but im thinking of getting another one since im starting my reef and i dont have a skimmer do i really need one but ya im getting a black or blue backround soon
I would highly recomend one, especially since your going to be doing a reef.


the tang will be coming out he will go in a freinds 105 gallon custom built so thats were he is going soon and i got home from a lil party and i went to see how the tank was and my bicolored blenny was being eatin by the tang and hermits because a bad case of ick just hit the tank from some clowns i put in there (clowns are gone) and the tang will go to the freind which leaves me with 1 sixline wrasse and 3 chromis what would be campatible with these guys????


Active Member
Originally Posted by cZoNe13
the tang will be coming out he will go in a freinds 105 gallon custom built so thats were he is going soon and i got home from a lil party and i went to see how the tank was and my bicolored blenny was being eatin by the tang and hermits because a bad case of ick just hit the tank from some clowns i put in there (clowns are gone) and the tang will go to the freind which leaves me with 1 sixline wrasse and 3 chromis what would be campatible with these guys????
Good job! For being a responsible owner and not keeping him in that size tank.


its pretty bright actually its 130 watts i like covers the whole basement of the living room part when its pitch black so it must just be the pic thats making it look non-bright and i have crushed coral for my substrate and the tang is going to be gone in 3 days
so should i get like a flame angel or cherub angel because my bicolored blenny died of ick that some clownfish brought in to the tank