my first recipe


Here's a mix of food that i made for my fish called the Omnivore Special.
What youll need:
An ice tray with very very small sections
Optional: eye dropper
Tap or salt water, no difference in result
Spirulina Algae Flakes
Dried Seaweed
Freeze-dried krill(crushed up)
Freeze-dried ocean plankton(crushed up)
Zoe(5 or 6 drops depending on the customer)
Optional: Microvert(3 or 4 drops depending on customer)
Carefully pour mix into sections, wiping off excess to avoid spills. Freeze in, well, freezer. Take out tablet and drop in tank. The ice on the outside will melt, leaving the inside frozen, contents stick together and fish or inverts enjoy. Keep in freezer for multiple uses.
Take out piece. put in small shotglass size cup of room temp water. let melt, use eye dropper to feed to inverts.


Active Member

Originally posted by Matti070
Tap or salt water, no difference in result

Use tank water or RO/DI. The fishies and system will apreciate it. If you have bad things in your tap water (everyone does), and you let the food mix sit in the contaminated water......then freeze the food in the contaminated water. Viola! Contaminated food for the fishies. Just my thoughts on the Tap Water thing.
I like the Omnivore Special though.......sounds delicious. Add a little bit of Cycop-eeze and Mysis Shrimp and we're ready to go! :D


well wen evr i make it ill remember that. im making the Carni-meal soon, then ill make the Herb-Remix:p After i do those, ill go more into detail.


got it! what youll need and the procedure are the same for the omnivore.
The Carni-Meal
Tank water
Freeze-dried krill(crushed)
Freeze-dried ocean plankton(crushed)
Freeze-dried brine(crushed)
Freeze-dried mycid shrimp(crushed)
Zoe(5 or 6 drops depending on the customer)


Active Member
i take flakes, sinker pellets, mysis shrimp and blood worms,and a spoonfull of tank water mix them up in a bowl, let the cubes melt, and then drop it into the tank, my guys seem to love it


well, thks for all the great feedback. it might be a while b4 the Herbivore Remix comes out. i cant find many good ingredients for it.


im leaning towards spirulina and dried seaweed, but dont have anything else. perhaps i could gather some detritus? suggestions are appreciated.


i dont have many grazers, unless a skunk or red tail pistol shrimps are grazers. my goby and clown i herd are omnis, so they could eat my omni recipe. remember im not making these recipes just for myself, people can use these recipes.