My First Saltwater Tank


New Member
This a picture of what I have done so far. I have been putting live rock in it the past 3 week-ends. Got the rocks from a LFS here in town. I would like to add the live sand this week. There is some things on the rocks that Im still trying to figure out what they are called. I will post some other pics and maybe someone can help me out. This has been fun with my first saltwater. Its just a 30 gallon that I plan on only having 1 or 2 fish in. Have a Great day Gary


New Member
Here is a pic of what Im trying to figure out what it is. bear with me as Im still getting my feet wet. I noticed that it moves from spot to spot on anygiven day. I have another one that is a little differant. Gary


New Member
Her is another pic of what Im trying to figure out waht it is called. This one seems to move everyother day. Thanks Gary


Active Member
i think its an aiptasia. if it is, they r bad and will spread fast. the best way to remove them is spray hot water or joes juice on them.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i think its an aiptasia. if it is, they r bad and will spread fast. the best way to remove them is spray hot water or joes juice on them.

and it must die


New Member
definitely looks like aiptasia to me. i'm not an expert either, but when i had a breakout about 3 months ago i tried hot water and joes juice with no results. however, i bought 4 pepermint shrimp about 2 months and haven't had a problem since let alone see one. i personally prefer the natural method to get rid of a nuisance. just my .02 best of luck to you.


Not just any Pepermint shrimp will do either. I agree I have found nothing that eradicates them 100% except natural means, copper bandded buttefly and caribean pepermint shrimp.