My first Sump/Fuge Designs - feedback?


Ok, after alot of research here, I've desiged two possible Sump/Fuge designs for my 75 gal FOWLR plus simple inverts.
I'll try to upload both designs and let me know the pros and cons of each, and anything that i'm missing.
These are first drafts so feel free to add whatever.


Drawings are great and I would think both would work just fine. Not sure that you need that many baffles though on the feed from the tank side. But over-all looks good to me.


this is great feedback. i just decided last night, b/c of the unique configuration of the space for my sump/fuge, that i'll probably have a custom acrylic one made specially for this.
the size i have to work with is only: 28" (w) x 23"" (d) x 18" (h).
i know home depot does this but not sure of the cost.
a 15g AGA tank is 24 x 12 x 12 and seems kind of small. i also lose about 28x9 in space.
any idea how much a "home depot" store would charge for a simple acrylic box construction?
i also now have to work in the size of a protein skimmer which i have yet to buy - any suggestions?


Listen to Kip, he has been doing this far longer then I have. ;-)
And getting a sump to fit under a tank is always a major challange. Not sure what HD would charge to build something like that for you, but would be interested to hear what you find out from them.