So my 40 gal breeder has alot in it without me introducing very much to it. Have tried to identify these things myself...tried. If I am mistaken please don’t hesitate to correct. Here are my many creatures thus far.
This was my first creature a bristle worm and at the time of this post I have at least 5 known ones.
Flatworms...yay...probably will need to nuke my tank before fish or corals. Ordered Flatworm exit online, but trying to wait it out till the tank is a bit more established.
Spirorbid Worm I thought it was a calcium speck the first few weeks but once the spiral started to appear I was pleasantly surprised.
Ok still on the fence with these guys. They look to be Hydroids Jellyfish but they stay latched and don’t move so hopefully it will make fish food and disappear later.
Not the best pictures but I have thousands of these little bugs all over my tank. Best I could find they may be Munnid Isopods. I know they eat green hair algae like mad crazy so I like em a ton.
Has got to be Spaghetti Worm. My son found this guy last night and he’s my favorite addition so far.
Not sure if it’s really alive(it is alive) It has 2 feeder antennas and 2 fang like appendages. I hope it grows to be a feather worm(highly doubtful). Worried it might be a pest, but I will keep an eye on it. It’s attached to live rock and is quite hardy.
Just an update on this post, this is a Verminted Snail. If you see one, remove it. They are a horrendous pest to rid yourself of. Use a knife or a scalpel to extract them. They form a callous shell that they attach themselves to.