My first tank! how id do??





left side

scuba guy

super clear!! thx to uv!

whisper air and fluval fx5

ur low budget equip

seaclone 150 n resun 9watt uv.

and little brothers reef.


Active Member
I won't even comment on the tangs in there, because I am sure other will(assuming this is a 55gallon as your profile states). However the tank does look nice and I like the rounded side. Just a suggestion, it looks like you have a air stone or bubble wand in your tank, take it out because it is somewhat unnecessary and will create salt creep on your lights which will more or less destroy them(if you dont have a top between the tank and the lights). Other then that, nice tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
I hear the sirens approaching....Looks nice though!!!
that's why I wasn't about to say anything about it!


Active Member
nice looking tank, the hippos look pretty small , so they should be ok for a few months, but after that you'll want to get them out of there ASAP, or upgrade to a bigger tank


Active Member
Nah, he already knows he made a mistake, he will find out how big of one eventually I guess. I will throw in he should take 3 of them back now before he finds out what i am talking about. It is a very nice tank for now.


Originally Posted by hot883
Should I? Anyone?
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! lol dont worry.
im upgrading to 120. so keep the tang police off me.


If you are aware of the mistake you made why are you not making an effort to change it? If it were me id take them all back to save headaches, money,tme and the loss of your FISH! Ill keep it short. If involved with this hobby you need to respect the animals you are working with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
For that stock list look at a 210
There's a new sheriff in town.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
, haha
i dont want to get started,
Me either. I flamed enough this week.



I will add these couple of words tho, ( darn i couldnt help it!)
Have some respect for the animals you keep.


:happyfish Just remember we are all here to ask questions and learn -- we depend on information from experienced people-so be kind and help us newbies!! I still consider myself a newbie-even though our tank is over 3 years old. Always keep the flames in check!
ML :happyfish :happyfish