My First Tank


New Member
Hey, I'm currently researching to set up a small 12gallon salt water tank for one clown fish. I've decided on purchasing the Eclipse 12, and I need information on cycling it. Should I fill it with salt water, turn and heater and filter on and wait? Or are their any products to speed up the process?


First off, welcome. Good job researching before you buy. Make sure before you buy your tank, you know what you want it to be in the end, FOWLR, or reef. If you're planning a reef, I heard eclipse make the lighting aspect difficult. But once you get your tank filled, start up the heater and filter, and let the sand settle. You should throw a coctail shrimp from the grocery store in their. As it decomposes, it will produce the ammonia you need to cycle your tank. Most chemicals you see that claim to speed up your cycle, actually just remove the ammonia, then once you stop using them, you dont have the bacteria you need for the tank to process amonia properly, and then the bioload from you fish will start another cycle. Just be patient, and test your water a few times a week, once you have had an ammonia and nitrite spike, you should start seeing nitrates. Then you can do a water change, and add your first fish. Hope this helps. Oh yea, and with saltwater tanks, go as big as you can, smaller is much harder to keep stable.