My first tank


Active Member
Looks good, love the way your rock has that arch way. Is that a hex tank?
What do you plan on putting in there once you are done?


I have no idea and thankyou for posting. Do you have any ideas what would look good in my tank i am a newbie so i have no idea thanks for any ideas.


Hmm.. thats a decent size and looks like you have a bit of rock work in their... why don't you look at a few dwarf angels on this site... just an idea, but i think it would do well in your tank given the right conditions....


Looks georgeous!!!!!! love the hex and the arch!!!!! Coral Beauty would look cool in there, nice work!!! :cheer:


Active Member
Looks like you have a clown in there right now, what other fish do you have in there?
I have a coral beauty angel, very beautiful fish. But there are other types of dwarf angels to that you can pick from as well.
Firefish are nice
Many to choose from, post your list of what you are wanting and see what everyone says.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Unbreakabl
my first tank it is about 4 months old what do you think and be honest please.
:cheer: looks good :cheer: .good job :cheer:
good luck with it :cheer: looks like you are getting the hang of it. :cheer:


I have 1 false percula and 1 blenny i believe i am going to get a lot of beautiful coral but i just dont know what. I would like to see some of your coral if you could post pics of them if you wouldnt mind it would help alot. thanx


Active Member
If you are asking me, well I don't have alot of coral only some mushrooms and new xenia frags. Everything is so dam expensive here and I need more live rock so something has to wait. Plus my lights are not the right type of anemones and the higher light corals. But I can post some pics of the little bit that I do have.
"Sometimes we just have to work with what we have and can afford".


Hi. I read your post abouth your tank, it looks good for newbies with the way you designed your tank I agree with anyone the picmy angel is good with some small fishes as royal ramma, yellowclown goby, firefish, bicolor blammy, they will make your tank look with colorfull but avoid Yellow watch man they alway under the rock, it does not easy to see them,as you requested I would like to attach my 29 gal saltwater F&R tank,good luck with your tank



WOW!!! I love your tank it really looks AWESOME thankyou for your images and your suggestions i am thinking of buying a bubble coral today and an angel fish thankyou.


You could try a shrimp goby and a pistol shrimp. From what I've read up here they're really fun to watch. Right now I'm hoping my yellow watchman goby and tiger pistol shrimp, that came yesterday, will pair up. I like my cherub angel and royal gramma too.


Active Member
You rockwork looks REALLY great!! How unique!

As for other fish...I have a 37 gallon and I have 2 false percs, a coral beauty angel, and a royal gramma. They all have great personalities and I'm sure they would all be great additions to your tank as well.
Have fun fishing!
Lisa :happyfish


Yes i just brought home a powder blue tang and 2 more coral that i love. Forgot what they are called. Will post pics of them later on tonight. thankyou for all of your comments.


Active Member
I just posted some pictures of my tank in the photo section " 25 gal pics".
They are not the greatest, I don't have alot of stuff in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Baclieu52
Hi. I read your post abouth your tank, it looks good for newbies with the way you designed your tank I agree with anyone the picmy angel is good with some small fishes as royal ramma, yellowclown goby, firefish, bicolor blammy, they will make your tank look with colorfull but avoid Yellow watch man they alway under the rock, it does not easy to see them,as you requested I would like to attach my 29 gal saltwater F&R tank,good luck with your tank
WOW!! Incredible tank! Can we get some specs on it? (lighting, tank size, filtration, livestock, etc)