my fish and his refelection?


Active Member
My puffer did that to. When he would be in the corner of the tanks, he would swim up and down, and follow his reflection. It was very funny. When I cleaned the back wall off, he would race his reflection. My fish must be on drugs, they do all kinds of weird stuff. That must be what happens when you are in a tank. :thinking:


When it gets dark in the room and he can see his reflection, this one goes positivly mad:


My Yellow Tang tries to fight with his reflection. That's why I named him "Loopy". He kind of pushes at his reflection like he's trying to get in position for a tail slap. Maybe some day he'll figure it out. :rolleyes:
My chromis school towards the front of the tank, I think because the reflection makes them feel like they are in a bigger shoal.


I have been lagging on cleaning the glass on my tanks recently and let some sponges build up on the glass of my puffers tank. One day I went by the tank and he was wigging out, puffing up every now and then and freaking if anyone came within 3 feet of the tank. I was worried and couldn't figure out what was worng. The next day I gave a the glass a good cleaning to be able to check him out better and immeidately he went right to his reflection and sat there for a minute in a "oh I missed you so much". Ever since he has been fine.
Kinda makes me think he may think he has a twin sister "Flo" :)


My clown loves to look at his reflection. At first he kept trying to pick a fight, and would bite at the glass, and turn sideways and thrash his tail around. Now he does it mostly at night when the lights are off, he will go up to the top of the tank, and I presume look at his reflection in the surface of the water. But even that seems to be wearing thin on him and he does it less and less now than when he first entered the tank.
I kind of think it's like a puppy seeing his reflection in a mirror for the first time. He thinks its another puppy looking back at him, but eventually he learns either it's a reflection of hiself, or that other puppy in the mirror is no fun, he wont play back.


mine do the race up and down thing i thought they were nuts but guessed that they thought they saw another fish and was just keeping them out of there space