my fish are dieing anyone help?


i have a 150gl tank.i have 1-8inch naso tang/ 1-4 inch kole tang/ 1-6inch powder blue tang /1 niger trigger/ 1-5inch gobbie/ 3 nemos
today i woke up and i had two fish dead. a spotbanded butterfly fish about 3inches and a blackspot angelefish 4inches. i do not know what is causing this iam noticeing some wierd hairy looking thing's on my rocks. my naso just threw up while i was looking at the rocks my powder blue has like a blood spot on his side small round just noticed it there. is somthing wrong with the water? the kole tang is getting realy white i think that is stress.that hairy looking stuff what is that? all over my rock you have to look at it realy good to notice it.i think by tommorow all my fish will be dead exept my niger trigger he is not showing any of these signs. the naso threw up the blood worms i fed him today. any help please. i will take any advice thanks


i'am checking the water right now give me a few minutes for those readings i have done a water change about a week ago about 30% and i do not have a hospital tank yet the last fish to go in there were the butterfly fish and the angel fish about a 2 weeks ago those are the ones that where dead this morning what is that hairy looking stuff? thanks for any help in advance


i have no pre mixed sw i just started puuting some water in a 5 gl drum a have.i had 100lbs of lr for about 5 months then i sold them because i wanted to do a better i have about 25lbs of lr the rest is lace rock and lava rock has been in my tank for about 3 months.i have a sealife system wet-dry skimmer and a 950 mag pump with 2 402 hagen power heads dual over flow box. what about that hairy stuff do water change should i clean this of if so any specific way to clean i have been getting a bit of brown algae lately more than normaly


i hope not my lfs new what i was doing and they said it was fine they have a 155gl tank displayed with lace and lava rock


Take ALL that Terry has said to heart! Again he does not mean to insult as he offers much of his time and knowledge on this forum daily... to all of us whether we have 30 years at this hobby or 30 days!
I could give you a mouthfull but I'll spare everyone...
What I DO want to offer is somewhat contorversial with the old salts out there but I have tried it in the past with some success.
To possibly save your current situation go call around and see if anyone carries the bacteria in the bottle stuff like:
the one I keep in the fridge for just in case emergencies if ever...
*** Beth please let me know if I am not supposed to be posting links to other businesses... has been a while since I have posted and may have forgotten some of the rules...
I am not sanctioning Dr. Foster's and Smith's site, just used it for quick reference tho I have ordered from them (as well as with no problems before...
So check around town at all the Fish Shops and see if they carry any of these or similar ones to get a quick handle on your toxicity levels!!!
AND go out and buy any cheap large container to mix new batches of water as you will need to continue to due a few more water changes short term also...
Good Luck!