My Fish are dying

I have what seems to be a Common problem, all of a sudden I seen these fish breathing rapidly and what appears to be blood spots on him like his shin is being eatin away. What is the treatment for this...
Well its a 115 gal tank, with Wet dry, pro skimmer, Emperor 350 outside filter. Water conds is: 1021 sal 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates, 0 ammonia, PH 8.2 I add fish all the time. I'M A sCUBA dIVER. tHE lAST THING I added was a Maroon clown. He seems to still be doing well. I have a Flame angel also doing well and an Atlantic Surgean doing well. My Queen angle and myRock Beauty both died from this Disease. Now my French angle is also starting to get symtoms. His eye is clouding up and he is staying in the stream og the POWER HEAD all the time.


Staff member
Have you considered quarantining your fish before putting them in the display??? This will definately prevent infesting your tank with diseases. One fish that gets an infectious disease won't pass it on to all the other fish in your main tank.
How do you collect the fish? What conditions are the fish in from the time you remove them from ocean til you get them home and acclimated? Like, your holding accomodations? How soon after getting fish does this problem occur? What are your acclimation procedures?
Do you have a hospital tank?
I don't have a Hospital tank, I do a one hour drip procedure for acclimation. I also use Dip-away in the water they are in to kill parasites. I normally have no problems this has been recent. I catch my fish with a net. (No Drugs used)