My fish blows bubbles


Active Member
Hey everyone, thought I would post a cute picture of my barred rabbitfish blowing bubbles. I'm not concerned since he has done this from day one after eating. Brushing his teeth maybe???
Any ideas why he is doing this? Sometimes the other fish join in too.


Active Member

Originally Posted by renogaw
what's your ph?
Ph...8.2, temp 80/82, nitrates 10, nitrites 0, ammonia 0, salinity 1.026, calcium 460, alk 9.
This fish has done this from the day I put it in the tank. And only
after he eats. Maybe he eats too much. He does this for about 5 minutes, then stops.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cleanrshrmpfan
maybe low oxygen?
I would think that all the fish would be doing this then. Just the rabbitfish, and sometimes the foxface.....(both rabbitfish)


my foxface does the same thing after he eats and no other fish does it. All my levels are perfect and he has also done it since the first day that i got it. don't know what it is but it can't be because of oxygen or ph .


Active Member
haha sweet picture
hey i wouldn't be to worried about it if its been a constant thing.seems just like some fish having fun


Active Member
can you see the fish's gills? are there any parasites in them preventing them from breathign water correectly?
I'm sure theres nothing wrong with him. My valintini puffer does this all the time during feeding time. I hold the food a little over the water and he spits water and blows bubbles out of him mouth and gills. Very funny


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
can you see the fish's gills? are there any parasites in them preventing them from breathign water correectly?
Absolutely no parasites. 100% sure. He is a very large gerth fish, that tends to overload on the food. I can only say that he over eats??? And possibly looses wind??? He eats likes a maniac.....splashes water everywhere. Thank goodness my fish are use to his antics. It would definately scare a new fish.


hey CleanerShrimpFan i had a question for you... i had a cleanershrimp and he didnt clean the fish he was a big one but never really tried to clean fish even when they were "in line for his services".. was he just a lazy big shrimp =) thanks


Active Member
Glad to know that my fish are not......well......"different". I think it is neat to watch the rabbitfish after feeding. He seems to amaze the other fish, they go up to him, like asking "what the heck are you doing?" My hippo will actually pop the bubbles!!
Who needs TV when you have this kind of entertainment?


Active Member
well fish tend ot have odd tendencies, i wouldnt worry about it. its like those darn maroon clowns sifting sand all over your lr to make room for an anenome. they all do it lol.


Active Member
Actually I have an expansion chamber on the back of my tank that pulls the water out of my tank, aerates the water (in the tube) and then sends it back into the tank so that way I have decent gas exchange (I have glass tops on the tank). The bubbles come out of the tube as well but they come out of the tube at the surface level of the water and sit on top (they never go under the surface). My clown trigger sits there and eats the bubbles and then swims around and spits out the air. Its quite funny.