My fish have ich and I am using garlic in their food. Should I use an antibiotic? Here is some info on my tank for you to go by. It has some soft corals and mushrooms. I have a snails, hermits, coral beauty, tang, royal gramma, and a starfish in my 55 gal tank. I quaranteened the fish before I added them to my main tank for a little over a month, but as soon as I added them to my main tank, within a few days they all got ich. It doesn't seem to be too bad yet. I can't really see any on the yellow tang, but I know he has them because he is scraping his body on the rocks. The coral beauty has some on the top of its body near the head, and since yesterday the royal gramma maybe has five or six on the top of its head. I think the garlic is helping some. I have used it only two days now. Well, let me know if I should use an antibiotic. I have Maracyn. I have read somewhere that Maracyn 2 works.