My Fish List


Heres my list, let me know if it will work!
125 (5 ft long) with about 100 pounds of rock so far.
I already have....
A pair of false percs.
1 Gold Rim Tang.
I want to add...
1 Yellow Tang
1 Spotted Sweetlips
Maybe an angel or ????
And last a Picasso Trigger.
What do you guys think?
Trying to go for cool and active, so far the clowns and tang are very active and will eat from our hands.
Will the sweetlips be to slow to be in the same tank as the trigger?


Well-Known Member

Broken record time is a picture of the first and best thing to buy when chosing your fish. I am including a sample page so you can see the type of info the book contains.
Whatever you put into the tank now, will effect EVERYTHING
you CAN
put into the tank in the it is very important to be picky about it.



Active Member
IMO, a spotted sweetlips should stay where they are. They are cute when small; but are very difficult to keep and get huge (2 1/2 ft) and ugly. They (IMO) really belong in public aquaria. I think the rest of your list is OK. Careful when you introduce the 2nd tang, could be problems with the GR.


Active Member
I agree...that is a great book (along with the invert book) shih tzu enjoyed them both (he has a thing for books on animals...he chewed three separate books on saltwater aquariums, a book on shih tzu's, a book on guinea pigs, and a book on quaker parrots when he was a other books, only these). Crazy dog has probably eaten around $100 worth of books...but I still love him.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
IMO, a spotted sweetlips should stay where they are. They are cute when small; but are very difficult to keep and get huge (2 1/2 ft) and ugly. They (IMO) really belong in public aquaria. I think the rest of your list is OK. Careful when you introduce the 2nd tang, could be problems with the GR.

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate the note about the spotted sweet lips. Thats info I didnt see in the book I was looking through at the LFS.
Any suggestions on what to buy instead? or what kind of angel will fit in with this mix? I'm going to try a few soft corals even if they do become fish food.
Flower, thanks for the book suggestion, I have been looking through them at the LFS, but real world experience and suggestions are always better...


I bought a spotted sweetlips about a year ago before I had read about them. Kinda got talked into it by a LFS. Once I got home and looked them up they are considered 'difficut' to keep. Need a tank of like 200 gallons. Are very hard to keep in capitvity...not to mention how uncute they are once they are adults. Needless to say the lil guy was dead in about 2 days. As for a replacement for him maybe you could get another trigger...or a hawkfish.


Well today I added the yeller tang, along with a blue hippo, the LFS had them swiming together and said it would be better to add them both instead of one at a time to prevent terratorial disputes later.
The wife is happy, she already named the yellow tang sunflower, I guess I get to name the hippo, I'm thinking rover or spot....

I'm going to let everything settle for awhile, if they all get along fine for a month or two then I think I'm going to give a picasso a try...