My fish-wish-list, are they all compatible?

reef dude

I've had my 90 gallon tank setup for a good 3 months now. Live sand seems to be working good, with lost of reddish, browinsh, purpleish patches up against the glass. All the water parameters are fine. I just did about a 15 gallon water change today and in a few days or so i plan on adding a royal gramma to the tank.
So far i have 2 true percula clowns.
These are the fish that i plan on getting, even if it takes 6 months to a year to successfully add them:
-Royal gramma
-Yellow head jawfish
-algae blennie
-Wrass(most likely a sixline or red fairy)
-Longnosed Hawkfish
-3 Bangaii Cardinals
-Powder Blue Tang
-Regal/Hippo Tang
-Flame Angel
Would all of these fish be able to successfully live together without any problems? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


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Originally posted by reef dude:
<strong>-Royal gramma
-Yellow head jawfish
-algae blennie
-Wrass(most likely a sixline or red fairy)
-Longnosed Hawkfish
-3 Bangaii Cardinals
-Powder Blue Tang
-Regal/Hippo Tang
-Flame Angel
I'm going to have to say no. IMO the bioload is way too high. For one, if you wish to keep the Mandarin, be sure that your tank is mature, and that your pod population is very, very good. I would get either of the Tangs, they are similar in color and body shape, and thus fighting would ensue, the Flame Angel, keep the Perculas, the Blennie, the Wrasse, and maybe the Royal Gramma. IMO, the following list is still a little high(I enjoy a Reef with the occasional fish darting between corals). Well, that's what I think.