my fish...


well here they are so far...
What kind of puffer is this?
sorry for the bad pics
more to come


the valentini is gettin nipped by someone... the other puffer and the damsel seem to get along great though... and sometimes the valentini and the other puffer will swim together, but for about the past hour, the valentinis been huddling in the top of the water next to the heater... his tail is a little torn... :nope:


whomever it is.. musta scared him pretty bad. the valentini just sits on the sand now in the corner behind some rock... doesnt move or nothin. didnt eat when i fed them either. i might take him out or the damsel as well as add more hiding areas for them..


welp i just caught the other puffer snappin at him. i think im gonna move the valentini out for a while


Active Member
Looks like a sharpnose puffer. Yeah I have different dwarf puffers nip at each other quite often. Sometimes they learn to get along, but normally one will get infected and die.


well the 2nd pic is of my valentini... i have 2 puffers. probably be taking 1 back tomorrow. i made the biggest mistake possible though. i left him in there for 6 hours while i was at my g/f house, and when i just got back, half his tail is gone, and his mouth is torn, hes turning pale and breathin real heavy.. and he isnt eating and he was just sittin there while the other puffer picked at him, so i scooped him up and put him in my 5 gallon.. im just hoping the 5 gallon is fully cycled... it was almost there last weekend, so i probably bag him up and take him to the LFS and tell them to heal him for me... and possible bring the other puffer back and trade that puffer in for something else...
you can kinda see his tail here