My five years as a reefer!!


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ok dont laugh this is one of my tank that i had for five years then blew a leak but i have had a tank about ten years ago but didnt go to well so i gave it up and then tried again five years ago so it has been a up hill battle but the hole point in reef tanks is not to loose your drive that started you to get into saltwater tanks so here is my old tank and then i will show my new one as it is only four months old..


Active Member
another shot..Added a couple of corals at this time some hairy shrooms brown polyps and a torch..And the clown trigger went back to the local fish store because as i read they are not reef safe but as far as my valintine puffer i just couldnt let him go back he has been with me for four years...


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ok my next step was to add a little more live rock and got some star polyps and a few baby kenya trees..


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ok made some changes to the rock and got a blue powder tang wich wasnt a smart thing to do so i kept him for about two week and he went back to the lfs that fish is my fav as far as fish..


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ok a month are so has past so i added a closed brain and some carnation coral but just look how small my hairys are then


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ok at this point i added some green rics and some froggy and a few more zoo frags!!!And suffer my first loss my maroon clown do to ick so i replaced him with a true perk i sure miss my maroon i had him for two years:nope:


Active Member
ok this is now bump my lights up added a few more power heads so i think iam pretty much done and now going to sit back and watch my tank grow!!!I have only suffer one loss and it wasnt a good one so i hope i can keep up the good work in my little piece of mind!!!!!This is the tank now!!!


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so i hope this might give some people the drive to keep there tanks up and never letting them fall back because i have fallen smack down on my face a few times but never gave up:D