My Flame angel


My poor flame angel ended up in a hospital tank last night. I've had it for about 3 weeks and just found out that something poke its eyes out... it is totally blind. I went to a LFS and they said my best shot is to put the fish in a HOspital tank and give him EM tablets. Wich i don't beleive that it will help. Any ideas???
This is what i have:
75 g tank
PH 8.4
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Am 0
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo
1 royal gramma
1 maroon clown
2 chromis
1 scunktail gobi
How long i can keep the fish in a HT.... and what do i do next??? Please help. Alex


I had a key hole angle and got the same symptom as yours.
It was bitten by one of my clown fishes.
It died a few days later.
Hope you can save it.
Good luck