My Friends GreenTank

I don't think I ever saw this Problem. My friend has a 180 Gallon FO Tank, with a berlin Skimmer. The wet dry powered by an extermal pump(Little Giant I think) His fish would be thiving than all of a sudden they die. He says the tanks gets a green tint when this happens. They would all of a sudden stop eating and eventurally die. The last time this happens he did a 100% water change because a partial one did not work. This was a couple of months ago. Everything was great and then it happens again. All tests were good except the NITRATES went high when this happens. The water gets a green tint. So water changes does nothing it still happens. He even wash out all the sand and Coral. He then even recycled the tank, This this just happens again. Please help if u can


Active Member
One thing that I can think of is maybe the water source. Does he use RO water, or just plain tap water?


Active Member
Just a couple of other thoughts. How is he cycling the tank? What size tank? How much LR, and type/amount of substrate? How is he acclimating the livestock? How quickly does he stock the tank? I would stop using the tap water, and use only RO.