My fuzzy dwarf lion fish won't eat.



this weekend I purchased two fuzzy dwarf lion fish. Theyare beautiful. I purchased a golden and a fu man chu. My golden is eating well but my fu man chu is not. I am feeding them ghost shrimp. The fu man chu was being fed guppies but I have read that they are not good for them. What else can I do to get it to eat? I really don't want him to die. He is a georgous fish.

shark bait

if a lion will not eat i have used live food at the end of a feeding rod and moved it in the tank like live food would act. Do it buy his face and he might just eat it. Do it for a few more feeding and swith to dead food. By about a week or so he will have no issue with what you are feeding it and you can just feed it normaly.


Try using ghost shrimp(no feeder fish). Once they get accostumed to where and what feeding time is you can start switching over to frozen. I've wheened 2 lions doing this method, 1 took only about a week while the other was more stubborn and took a month or so. Also, often they won't eat for several days after being put in a new tank anyhow, so don't push the panic button yet. Just do a search for "lion won't eat" you'll find plenty of info.


at LFS, lions are usually just fed live feeders. which are way too fat, not good at all. what was posted was great info. i had a v-lion and it wouldnt eat, I tried ghost shrimp and he loved it.


I have a fuzzy and when I got him he wouldn't eat for about two weeks. I feed him live gs and he is doing great.


I guess I will keep feeding both ghost shrimp (which is what I've been feeding them). It sounds like its taken a while for everyone else's fish to eat. I just don't want him to die in a few days. But if you all say that it may take a couple of weeks, then we will stick it out and see what happens. Thanks very much.