My girl is gettng her gold!!



Its been slowly coming but my GSMs are getting their gold stripes. Got some pics.
On another note though, my clowns keep attacking my Mexican Turbos. I think they ended up killing my last three although they were much smaller than the 3 big honkers I have now

My female

My male's don't show up too well but here he is

And here is my full set up. Not the best looking but its mine



It's a 48 gal very odd size. For Christmas though they're getting a new 75 gal home. I already have it but I'm getting salt , live sand and so on for the holiday from my wife. So I have to wait till then.


Originally Posted by subielover
Sounds like a plan. How old are your clowns, any idea?
I'm thinking between 8-10 mo. old. Female already grew about 1/2 an inch more than the male. They were the same size when I got them. She's got alot more gold on her left side but she's been really shy lately. They mainly come out during feeding time. Other than that they pretty much hang out behind the rock work. I hope that changes in the 75.

crypt keeper

Active Member
They may not feel comfortable. Your rock work is just in a big lump of a pile. Try and rearrange the rock work to let them have a few decent hiding places. In the future Id put up a back round of sorts on the tank or paint it blue or black.
Your fish are gorgeous and looking very healthy. You plan on anenome? How long have you had them?


I actually just changed it. I used to have it in a "U" shape from back to front and triangle shape from top to bottom. They hung out up front when I 1st got them and then one day they just changed

I've had them for about 4 mo.


Active Member
yeah clowns will do that until they find a nice home. when i got my picasso pair, they hung out by the front right corner for 2 days, the next 4 days they hung out by my return head for my nano, and the next couple of days they decided to host my armor of god zoanthid frag. try to make some caves and areas for them to swim thru. try to get an anemone. GSMS love to host anemones. a friend of mine, has a HUGE gsm, that literally takes ANYTHING (smaller Fish, snails, hermits) and shoves it into the carpet anemones mouth. what lighting are you using? def try to get more live rock..

crypt keeper

Active Member
The 75 gallon is it a traditional rectangle? You will need at least triple the rock you have now. That 75 will house them for life. They get huge, up to 6 inches.
Take a current picture of your tank and the new arrangment of rocks.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
The 75 gallon is it a traditional rectangle? You will need at least triple the rock you have now. That 75 will house them for life. They get huge, up to 6 inches.
Take a current picture of your tank and the new arrangment of rocks.
Yes the 75 is a traditional rect. 75E.
I am buing more live rock every week. The background on the 75 is already painted blue. But I don't have any pics yet cause I'll be setting it up after the Holidays.I may start next weekend.
As far as lighting I'm saving up money to buy enough wattage for coral. That stuff is really expensive specially MH. I don't know if t5s are enough.

crypt keeper

Active Member
There is really zero rush. They will be fine in that tank you have now for the next year or two. If they stay the only fish you get. 48 gallon is a decent sized tank. What is the length of the tank? Id personally get your current tank set up nice with a decent anenome and a few other corals and enjoy it while allowing your fish to get established for a year or so.
Also the rock you are buying. Is it curred? Are you adding it directly to your tank as you buy it?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
There is really zero rush. They will be fine in that tank you have now for the next year or two. If they stay the only fish you get. 48 gallon is a decent sized tank. What is the length of the tank? Id personally get your current tank set up nice with a decent anenome and a few other corals and enjoy it while allowing your fish to get established for a year or so.
Also the rock you are buying. Is it curred? Are you adding it directly to your tank as you buy it?
I understand what you're saying but that tank is actually pretty narrow (24") as opposed to the 48" of the 75. The 75 will be their final lomg term home. I'm doing research to see how a blue tang and a flame angel will do together w/ the clown. I don't want to spend the $$ now for the lighting on the 48 when I'm going to have to buy lights again for the 75. And yes the liverock is cured.


Active Member
for the lights, you may be able to get by with some nice T5HO with individual reflectors, check out the current usa nova extreme pro, or, you can get one of their orbits, they're fairly decently priced MH fixtures


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
for the lights, you may be able to get by with some nice T5HO with individual reflectors, check out the current usa nova extreme pro, or, you can get one of their orbits, they're fairly decently priced MH fixtures
Well I found a nice set up on ---- that has a 2yr warranty and is UL listed. Its around 400 watts w/ 2 mh, moonlights and t5 ho. Under 400 shipped. But I'm doing research because I've read horror stories about certain e bay lights.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by maroon
I understand what you're saying but that tank is actually pretty narrow (24") as opposed to the 48" of the 75. The 75 will be their final lomg term home. I'm doing research to see how a blue tang and a flame angel will do together w/ the clown. I don't want to spend the $$ now for the lighting on the 48 when I'm going to have to buy lights again for the 75. And yes the liverock is cured.
Tangs shouldnt really be kept in anything smaller than a 90. It would be good for a while but then it will just be not fair to the fish after that.
Flame angel will get about the same size as the Clowns. I dont know about territorial issues. Some people suggest that the Flame Angel be the last fish added to a tank. You can ask more angel friendly people.


Would 260 w be enough for anemone and coral? Its about 3.46 watts per gallon.


Active Member
its not so much the watts per gallon maroon, its the type of light they're getting.
for anemones, and while some people have had success with PC's, dont judge by them, simply because the majority of people dont have that success.
for anemones, you want at the minimum T5HO lighting, with individual reflectors for the bulbs, but, if you have a fairly tall tank, im gonna say over 20" tall, MH are what you need to get to be perfectly honest