My green BTA keep puking up stuff



My green BTA looks great about half the time. The other half of the time he shrinks up to 1/10 of his normal size and pukes up some black slimy stuff. He grabs the shrimp (2-3 times a week) I feed him instantly and loks great when he is inflated. I am just worried because he seems to spend so much time expelling waste. Have only had him about 2 weeks now. Is this normal?
Watr parameters are 80 degrees, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0 nitrates. T-5 lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryan80
My green BTA looks great about half the time. The other half of the time he shrinks up to 1/10 of his normal size and pukes up some black slimy stuff. He grabs the shrimp (2-3 times a week) I feed him instantly and loks great when he is inflated. I am just worried because he seems to spend so much time expelling waste. Have only had him about 2 weeks now. Is this normal?
Watr parameters are 80 degrees, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0 nitrates. T-5 lighting.
Can you get a pic?
How long have you had it? Its only normal if you feed him often. What do you feed it, how much and how often?


Had him 2 weeks. I chopped some shrimp into 1/2" pieces (or maybe a little smaller) and feed him 1 chunk 2-3 times per week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryan80
Had him 2 weeks. I chopped some shrimp into 1/2" pieces (or maybe a little smaller) and feed him 1 chunk 2-3 times per week.
How big is the anemone? Basically if the anemone is healthy and you have proper lighting for it, you do not need to feed it that often. If its not healthy then raw marine foods like shrimp, krill, clams, silversides, mysis etc are all acceptable but you should chop the food up small, even tiny, and administer it with a turkey baster at the rate you are doing, bout 2 to 3 times a week.
If your animal is healthy once a week is plenty maybe even more than enough to feed. The procedure is still the same though, small chopped up pieces of food. I just think you are over feeding is all...
Any piece of food larger than the animals mouth is going to be a chore for it to eat. And for optimum benifit IMO the pieces should be small chopped up bits.