my grouper is scratching maybe parasites?


New Member
my grouper for the last month has been scratching himself. he does it several times a day, sometimes he doesent scratch for a day sometimes he scratches himself more than several times a day. he now seems to be flashing. what do i do? ive been soaking his food with garlic?::help:


Staff member
Is the grouper a new addition or did you add fish around the same time that the grouper started scratching?


New Member
ive had him for 5 weeks. in the tank is a snowflake eel and a trigger. hes eating fine and looks good but this has been going on for a month!


Staff member
He may have parasites. Try looking at the fish with a good magnifying to see if you see anything.


New Member
starting hyposalinity. gave him freshwater bath. should i be able to see parasites on bottom of bucket? if so what size, color?


Staff member
Have you id-ed any parasite? Did you use a magnifying glass to see if you can see anything?
Yes, I do water changes during hypo. The requirements for a QT is not any less than the maintenace that you would do on your display. If any thing, you will need to be more attentive to ensuring that the quality of water in the QT is optmium.


New Member
i cant find a magnifyng glass, i have to buy one. im assuming its ich, and my fish (miniatus grouper) seems to be doing better. tough fish!


Staff member
If you are dealing with ich, then your tank, and all fish in the tank with the grouper, are not also effected.
The best treatment for ich is hyposalinity. Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the post there on hyposalinity and refractometers.