My Hammer sucks


why are its tentacles so short? they are no longer than like an inch. i thought they were going to get loger as it grew bigger but they have not. it is not aggresive at all. my xenia grew right next to it and its polyps were actully touching and pulsing on it. i had to remove some of the xenia be the hammer stopped opening all the way. why does my hammer suck?

melissa v.

Mine has short tentacles also, and i think it is beautiful (i'll be glad to take yours off your hands:D )
Melissa V.


mine has 1/2" tentacles also. of the colonies i have seen, unless it is in very high current which stretches them out, the polyps shouldnt get too long.
for fun try feeding your hammer a silverside from time to time. if you can keep your fish from robbing the hammer of its meal, it is kind of neat to watch the hammer pull in the food.