My Harlequin Tusk

b volitans

I bought new Harlequin Tuskfish (it's Awesome!) well anyway, I acimilated it to my tank and it started to dig near my live rock and laid on the rock... is this normal? Also, how do I know if it is an Australian Tusk? please help me out :)


Active Member
i think the aussie has blue teeth, i think its hard to tell unless you have the two next to each other


Active Member
How much did you pay for your tusk? Aussies are also usually much brighter. Tusks will usually be rather shy and retiring at first. As they get more used to the tank, and become bold, they will be swimming around a lot more. Bo

b volitans

I paid $90 for mine, he is really bright and he has blue teeth as well as blue borders around his orange stripes...he also has blu-tipped dorsal spines :cool: