My hiding tusk looks like this..HELP


He came out today and this is what he looks like. I don't think its right. I think he is dying. PLease advise...


thats what I thought...but my lion isn't showing anything. he is healthy has a horse. will have to set up a 10 gallon and read how to get rid of it. thanks guys


Active Member
Well, do not rush to anything. Get a quarantine, set-it up with a filter, and get some Turbo Start to at least semi-cycle it pretty quickly so that the harlequin does not get even more stressed out.
Meanwhile, post this in the Disease Forum so that Beth can properly diagnose what is wrong with him so you can treat him properly. That does not look like ich to me at all.


Active Member
....... well to me guyz.. that just look like sand.... ..... wrasses are damned strong fish.. heck.. my tusk is missing 1/2 of it's fin to fungus... and then gotten beaten up by my lunnare and got his eye pokes out almost..but he back to normal now... he swimming like a mad man.. !!!!!!! darn thast lunnare. he is such a punk.. he's king of the tank.. .. i though the tush was the man!! he's 6''+ and got punked!!! lol to bad the lunnare is 7''+ lol... ehh all my fish are thriving.. no probs now.. they just chase each other around once in a while.. then go back the the norm..


Well the fish is dead
but Beth in the other forum is helping me in treating my lion. (he was in the same tank) thanks again


was that a australian tusk??? it had nice colors on him.. next time i would try a freshwater dip if you cant quarantine the fish but make sure the temp and the ph is similar..another thing you can do is lower the salinty on your system and raise the tempature to 82/84 degrees... worked for me in the past... i also see some cynobacteria??? make sure you use good water when doing a water change... test for phosphates... i mix mine with a ro/di and coralife salt... hope your other fishes do well...


it was an australian tusk and I do use RO/DI water with Oceanic salts. I can't really lower the salinitity becuase I have some live rock and corals in the tank. I have the lion out and in QT. he is doing ok but doesn't really want to eat. doing daily water changes oon the QT tank. about 1 gallona day (only 10 gallon tank) to keep water fresh. thanks for the advice.


It almost looked like the start of velvet to me.If thats the case,the only way to treat the fish is copper and let the tank sit without fish for 6 to 8 weeks to make sure it dies off. If the tank is untreatable with copper do to invertebrates.


Tusk is dead. The lion fish that was a tankmate is also dead. not very happy about it either. Just going to break down the 90 gallon and keep my 120 reef going. thanks for all you help.


I got a Lunar... and for a year he lived with my australian tusk... Then once the luner got big enough. He killed him

My lunar is about 8"-10" and looks more like an eel now