My Host to ICK!


okay 2 weeks ago ma cycle finished and i bought a blue hippo tang,...with 5 blue hermits,....2 turbos, ma 55 fowlr,....i saw the blue hippo scratching himself on the rocks but no spots but after a couple of days (4-6) and at that day i bought to false percula,...i got scared that i couldnt cure the blue tang so i juss flushed it (plz dont comment on this), that i wouldnt risk ma set-up,...but after returning from camp i notice that ma false per. has a single spot on his fin,...i dont hav a q/t tank i juss wanna cure it in ma tank and i was wonder wat is the most effective way to do this w/o hurting ma inverts,....and lr, are ma parameters,....ammonia,..0 nitrite,...10,...nitrate,...0 ph,...8.3


Staff member
vtecbro007, you say you flushed the fish and then ask us not to comment on it. Let me say please don't just do things out of ignorance. Ich is highly contagious and now all your fish have it. If you want to be a marine hobbyists, then you need to navigate through the difficult times. Ich is easy enough to deal with if you treat it correctly.
Please take a look at the FAQ Thread and read the discussions of QT and ich. Also, get Bob Fenner's book, "The Conscietious Marine Aquarist". Read if carefully. Very helpful book for new aquarists. If flushing continues to be a solution that you follow, then think about getting into a hobby that does not involve live animals.
Take this as it is meant, serious food for thought and not a flame.


beth u dont no wat state of mind i was in well thrusday night i saw the spots and the next day early in the morning i had to go to camp so i thought the ich wasnt in its free-swimming form so i thought i would sacrafice the blue tang for ma tank but i was wrong


Staff member
Ok, you were wrong. Lets move on from that point. Follow my suggestion and see if you can get the book I am suggestion. It is not dull, and will be interesting reading if you are serious about this hobby. Wonderful pics as well. A lot of info for beginners on various species of fish, and even a good starting point discussion on various common fish diseases.
Well worth the money.
In the meantime, take a look at the FAQ Thread.


oh btw i wanna no if u hav ever tried ICH-ATTACK from kordon ma very trustable lfs reccomended this for me because i hav inverts and and i wanna treat the ich in ma dt he said it will take 3-5 weeks but it will work so im happy and it was cheap 11.99 for 16 oz bottle


Staff member
Not likely. The only viable treatments for ich are the procedures detailed in the FAQ Thread.


Do you have a uv sterilizer? If not you should get one especially if you want to keep tangs. I also heard that the vortex diatom filter can clean your aquarium without breaking down the whole thing. It gets rid of ick too. If you want to read about it here's the link.
Good Luck with your ick problem. I know how you must feel, I lost all my fish but one from ick. Came back from vacation and fish had full blown ick. Lost my map puffer.
I know that uv's are great for fowlr but I don't know if it will strip all the bacteria and trace elements that are vital to your reef aquarium.