My introduction


glad you got rid of the biocube protein skimmer, they're terrible.
I have a 14G biocube, and keep a Koralia Nano Evolution powerhead in it, it's more than enough.


well the biocube protein skimmer is doing what its suppose to do. But, annoying and a pain to have it set in my tank when its not really design to be placed in my tank. But, its ok. I went ahead and ordered a new skimmer and its on the way.
I went to the LFS today and I just don't understand why they would think having a hydrometer would advised over a refractometer. So I asked them, since they will calibrate you hyrdometer using a refractometer. LOL. One of the employees told me because it will break easy. Well, I have a lot of things that can break easy. But, that doesn't discourage the fact if its a must off product. Then, I should get one and becareful in the He also got a little upset when I went online to buy a Koralia powerhead instead of buying from him. He kind a throw in my face the great deal he gave me for my 165 gal fish tank and the out of pocket expense he had for not including the price for my second overflow kit I need for my tank. I am sorry but you are out to get business and I am here to get a great deal on everything. So, that is my day so far. Exciting!!!


I know how you feel.
I have one LFS that gets nasty with me when I buy things elsewhere, so I rarely go there anymore. The one LFS that I deal with a lot is happy for me when I find a good deal elsewhere. I was in the market for a chiller for months and was all set to order one through my LFS, then a guy online was selling one that was still under warranty for like 1/3 the price. I asked my LFS (because you can actually trust them) if buying used was a good idea and their answer was, "I can't beat that deal, if you don't buy it, give me the info and I will."
Sounds like the store you're dealing with isn't so great, might want to look for some others in the area.


yeah. they are doing ok. But, the problem is that they are the only saltwater store in town. I would have to go 3 hours in any direction to get to a good store. (I.e. dallas, san antonio, lubbock)


Active Member
Sometimes, the drive for customer service is worth it. I have 2 LFS near where I live. One has absolutely horrible customer service and shant be going in there ever again. The other one has decent customer service, but the selection isnt all that. So now I drive the 30 to 40 minutes to the other 2 LFS that are in my area. Both have great selection, but one has excellent customer service and a knowledgable sales person. I will be going to that store for just about all my purchases from brick and mortar locations. yes it is the one that is 40 minutes away and it is totally worth it to me.
A 3 hour drive is a bit much, but I was just on vacation and visited a store in Lancaster PA. It is about 5 hours from my house and if they had something that I couldnt get elsewhere, livestock specifically, I would make that drive to get it. The store was awesome and huge and holy cow. I can honesly say it felt like being in a walmat devoted to pets. Dogs and cats and reptiles and fish and everything else. Heck the fish section there was huge. They had just about every size and style tank you could imagine on display. They even had a touch tank setup with rays in it. My kids loved it and could have stayed there longer.


Well, I guess I might want to take a visit to dallas and see what they have sometime. Probably why I love big cities sometimes


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/20#post_3309474
yeah. they are doing ok. But, the problem is that they are the only saltwater store in town. I would have to go 3 hours in any direction to get to a good store. (I.e. dallas, san antonio, lubbock)
LOL...At least you have ONE lfs...I have nothing, but I have had very very good luck buying online. AND most of the time online you pay no tax, and a lot of times you find great shipping deals.
The livestock and corals on this site are GREAT!!!
The closed store to me is 90 miles....and it is a teeny place that does mostly mail order for me to make a 180 mile round is soooo much cheaper to buy online
and like I said....look around, you will find some amazing deals


yeah I am with you on that. I will be doing that when I can stop not dicking with my tank so it can start its cycle. I generally hate it when I am just rigging up something and just comprisming with the equipment I have.


Ok I have a quick question for my bigger tank. To run a fuge, do I need 2 tanks underneath (one fuge and one not) or can I just run one that sump that will have skimmer, room for temp. and fuge?
Another question. Can you go too big on a refugium? I saw a up to 300 gal fuge and I am wondering if this would be too much?


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/20#post_3309527
Ok I have a quick question for my bigger tank. To run a fuge, do I need 2 tanks underneath (one fuge and one not) or can I just run one that sump that will have skimmer, room for temp. and fuge?
Another question. Can you go too big on a refugium? I saw a up to 300 gal fuge and I am wondering if this would be too much?
Depending on the size of the sump, you can keep a refugium inside the sump and therefore not need a second tank. I prefer to have two seperate tanks.
As for too big, no you can't go too big, but I think it should be kept within reason, that's just common sense, ya know?


yeah I know. This is for my 165 gal and I found a refugium that is good for a 300 tank. Which is more then enough. but, just wondering if that would be way too much and not need it. My LFS told me its not a bad idea to have double the size in skimmer and what not. So, to me that fuge would be fine. But, just taking in opinion about it.


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/20#post_3309695
yeah I know. This is for my 165 gal and I found a refugium that is good for a 300 tank. Which is more then enough. but, just wondering if that would be way too much and not need it. My LFS told me its not a bad idea to have double the size in skimmer and what not. So, to me that fuge would be fine. But, just taking in opinion about it.
I misread what you wrote, I took it was if you were saying it WAS a 300G refugium. IMO, refugiums shouldn't really carry a rating like skimmers to (up to a certain gallon). My 155G runs off a 20G refugium and does just fine, some will say that is too small, some will say it's correct. I have two mandarins in my 155, so I guess it's working out for me.
Skimmers, I usually try to go with one that is rated for at least 50 more gallons than my total system. Between tank, sump and refugium, my 155G system actually contains 200-210G. The skimmer that I have running on that tank is rated for 250G.


Honestly, that was my thought on sizing. But, when I heard my LFS say double the size for my skimmer would be better. I guess it got me doubting my security I guess I would call it for my filtation. Hence, why I bring it up in here. Thanks for the advice.


I just saw this worm in my tank as I got home tonight. It looks like a baby bristle. But, I am not sure. Any ideas? Also, I just set the 10 gal tank up on monday this week. Which is where the worm is found from.


Yea I wasn't going to touch it. I read up on it after the picture. It's seems people just freak out when they seem them.


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/20#post_3309811
Yea I wasn't going to touch it. I read up on it after the picture. It's seems people just freak out when they seem them.
They really are the best CUC member you can have, but they do sting. I touched one on accident moving rock and my finger was swollen for 2 weeks. I have pretty sensitive skin and ended up getting an antiobiotic cream for it. The one darn time I didn't wear gloves


I guess I should invest in some gloves then. What kind a gloves should I get? Also, I did another test of the water and this is what I got so far.
NH3 - .5ppm
NO2 - 0ppm
NO3 - 10ppm
ph - 8
temp - 80 F
Its only been up a week. should I still do water changes or just leave it for a couple weeks and then start my weekly water changes?