My introduction


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/20#post_3309836
I guess I should invest in some gloves then. What kind a gloves should I get? Also, I did another test of the water and this is what I got so far.
NH3 - .5ppm
NO2 - 0ppm
NO3 - 10ppm
ph - 8
temp - 80 F
Its only been up a week. should I still do water changes or just leave it for a couple weeks and then start my weekly water changes?
I'm allergic to latex, so I just use generic vinyl gloves available at most pharmacies like CVS. My husband doesn't use gloves at all, he's a nut job. Most LFS's sell gloves, but I've found that they're similar to dish gloves and twice as much money.
Your readings look like you're right on track.
There is a debate as to whether or not doing water changes during a cycle is a good thing. My rule is, if there's cured LR in the tank during the cycle, water changes are the way to go, otherwise, let it run it's course.


Yea I have cured LR in the tank right now from day one. I will keep looking around. I have a jug ready for my Water Change. but, I just need to make sure I should. Since, this is my first saltwater tank. So, its like....uuuhhh who should I follow. Well, on
lols welcome im thinking of starting a saltwater tank too...word of advise.... dont believe everything la fish guys say lols equipment type yes live stock wise no lols are you planning of putting a cuc in?


Yes I do plan on putting in my CUC after my cycle is done. Which I think will be in a couple of weeks. Just not sure yet. With all fairness, I really don't believe everybody that tells me something. I just take it into consideration and research a little before making a finally decision.
Visual aids are good. Which is why I started watching his videos. I get general ideas from it.


Well I did another test. Sorry just curious to see how the process does it thing. I am trying the shrimp method to see about just starting the process a little since my readings in the beginning were all zero for what seems a little while. But now my levels are:
Does this seem good enough to pull the shrimp out? (for the folks that have tried it)


Active Member
Probably. Have you a previous test where the ammonia was lower? If the ammonia is going up, then probably pull the shrimp. If the ammonia is going down, then I am not sure. If ammonia is down and nitrite is up, then pull the shrimp as the cycle has started.
But again, wait for someone more experienced than I to post.


Here are yesterday levels for reference.
NH3 - .5ppm
NO2 - 0ppm
NO3 - 10ppm
ph - 8
temp - 80 F


so the shrimp was just to kick start the cycle. Now that it has started. there is no need for it. Am I on the same page?


I don't know why but I can't open a new thread on the matter. I keep getting an error for the page when I submit it.


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/40#post_3310518
Why use a shrimp the L.R it self should start a cycle
That depends. If the LR was fully cured, there will be a minimal cycle, if any at all. The issue with this is that there is then no beneficial bacteria in the filtration system (sponges, etc) and when you go to add livestock to the tank, it spikes and re-cylces.
I have started tanks with fully cured LR and live sand from another seasoned tank, watched water parameters closely and been able to but livestock in the tank in less than 24hrs. Obviously, I had to have water on hand in case of an emergency and had to keep a close eye on levels, but it can be done, just not recommended.


It just wasn't cycling. I put in what they call was live rock and LS (well water down bag live sand) I wasn't getting any change. So, I wanted to try the shrimp method.


4 days. not very long. I just figured a lot of peole are seeing something with an a couple days it some like.


Now I just need to know if I should take the shrimp out since my cycle has started. I know what you told me. Just getting a little more feedback on it before I just pull it out. My ammonia levels are not high and right now my bristle worm is all over that shrimp like a buffet.