My introduction


Active Member
thats what what I said you want ammonia to kick as in start then there is a cycle the ammonia breakes into nitrites than nitrates then after accurate readings for a couple of weeks you can add cuc than another week then fish


I sure hope so. Because I have a job for the CUC. Now you want to add just the CUC first when the lvl are all zero? Or when they are low?


Active Member
No you wait till the levels are stabil for a couple of weeks then add cuc then 1 week again add your first fish


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/60#post_3310578
I sure hope so. Because I have a job for the CUC. Now you want to add just the CUC first when the lvl are all zero? Or when they are low?
Once your levels are zero, wait one week and make sure they stay at zero. Then add SOME of your CUC, maybe 1/4 - 1/3 of your total CUC. Wait a week and test waters. Then you can add your first fish (be wise in which order you decide to add fish as some fish are very aggressive towards new comers - if you're going to do clownfish, other than Maroons, clowns make an excellent first choice). Test waters. With the addition of fish, you may need to add more CUC, at this time, that is okay. Test waters for a minimum of two weeks. Then you can consider adding one fish at a time, at least two weeks apart from one another. I usually do 1/3 CUC, fish, 1/3 cuc, fish, final batch of CUC, rest of fish one at a time.


Well this tank is small (10 gal). So my plan from the star are a pair of clowns, anemone or some soft corrals. I don't want to over stock the tank. But, I have heard about addin your CUC slowly and not full group at once. Since there really isn't much to clean up from the start and might kill them. Now I read if you are going to get a pair of clowns. You should add them as a pair and not separate. Does this still hold true?
Also, I woke up this morning to see a baby snail or slug in the tank. I will try and get a better picture of it


Yes, clowns should be added as a pair.
I forgot that you were doing the small tank first.
You could get away with another small fish such as a clown goby, small blenny (such as a tail spot) or a smaller goby (green banded or yellow watchmen would be good choices). If you choose to just do the two clowns, which is also fine, add 1/3 CUC before you add them, 1/3 with them and then test and all the last of them.
Your CUC should not starve in one week before adding the clowns to the tank.
As for your small hitch hiker snail/slug. It's probably a stomatella.


It's funny it said they are sensitive to high nitrate and perfers established tanks. My tank is not established yet. So I hope it survives the ride. I also hope they don't multiple like rabbits


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/60#post_3310685
It's funny it said they are sensitive to high nitrate and perfers established tanks. My tank is not established yet. So I hope it survives the ride. I also hope they don't multiple like rabbits
Honestly, I think a stomatella can withstand anything. I get them as hitchhikers on almost every piece of LR that I buy.


Well I did another test. To continue see how the process works. It looks like everything is starting to drop a little bit. I also noticed what looks like some little whitish fern things. Very small and has a base. Spread out like fingers


they move with the flow of water. There are quite of few of them on a couple of pieces of LR.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/60#post_3310780
Do they look like this?

no not like that. its kind a like a feather duster. I just checked out the tank again to look and it closed itself. pretty crazy. Also check this out. I got him with the LR. He hasn't opened since he has been in the tank. So, I don't know if its still alive or not. Do you think I should move him up top for light?



NAH...leave it (that is if you are talking about the shell looking thing)
OK...How about these:
