My introduction


Quote:Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/80#post_3310856
Hey, that green shell looking thing, gotta get that out too. I have one on my rock, see my thread for pics, and I know exactly what it is. Further on in my thread i post a pick of something asking about lemon juice. that is what that nasty anemone looks like hiding in the rock.
Tweezers? Really? I am about to try that as some of those blasted things didnt die with the lemon juice. It looks like I killed one for sure though. There is another one that is looking rather sickly, and there are 2 more that need to be removed too.
Really! That clam thing is an anemone? I guess they multiply quick too?


Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/80#post_3310856
Hey, that green shell looking thing, gotta get that out too. I have one on my rock, see my thread for pics, and I know exactly what it is. Further on in my thread i post a pick of something asking about lemon juice. that is what that nasty anemone looks like hiding in the rock.
Tweezers? Really? I am about to try that as some of those blasted things didnt die with the lemon juice. It looks like I killed one for sure though. There is another one that is looking rather sickly, and there are 2 more that need to be removed too.
DO NOT use tweezers to remove aiptasia. Doing so will cause them to release spores into your water and you'll end with tiny aiptasia growing everwhere. You must kill Aiptasia. The only things that have ever worked for me are Aiptasia-X and kalwasser.


I know I could be wrong. But, these really look more like feather dusters then anything. Here is another video of the tank.


Active Member
I think i see what you believe to be feather dusters, but they arnt. I dont see the tube that they would pull back into. Let me see If I can get a pick of the ones I have in my tank and post it.


The tubes are small. I don't think the phone is picking them up. The only reason I am stubborn to thunk they are is out of all the pictures. None of the hydros have a feather look on them. Which it's making it hard to say the lease


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/100#post_3310952
The tubes are small. I don't think the phone is picking them up. The only reason I am stubborn to thunk they are is out of all the pictures. None of the hydros have a feather look on them. Which it's making it hard to say the lease
these hydroids have feathery looks to them

and these do too

and these


Well the first pic shows up on my review screen...and edit screen

It is the same pic that I posted 2 pages ago.....


this is what I think I have. This is what I am say about being a little feathery. Those don't look feathery. I took this video from my LFS and the guy you hear in the video called them brown falops (sp). They do multiple quickly, but don't hurt anything. At least that is what he say. They sound like they are annoying in the long run to me.


With current
This is what I think I have. (Brown Star Polyps) Just include you guys can't see the video.


New edition to the tank zoas I believe? Still getting used to the names. But, I just picked this little guy up for like $4. There are 6 heads on it.

You don't see him. But, I have a sand sifting star in there now.


Don't think I would have gotten a sand sifting star yet.......tank is obviously too new......they need large established tanks
You have snail fish yet....


Well there are two snail and five hermit crabs for the CUC. It is still new which is why I didn't add a lot of them. I got the star from the LFS. They said this star should be fine in a 10 gallon tank. Next week I will put in my anemone and a pair a clowns when the next shipment comes in.


Active Member
Whoa!!!!! How old is this tank?? Anemones need very well established tanks with parameters that have been great for 6 months. In a ten gallon tank this is hard to do. I would honestly wait for the anemone. If you add them too soon, you are sentencing the anemone to a slow death. I really can't explain it in a nicer way.