My introduction


Originally Posted by Nizz http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/120#post_3313259
I think lately I have seen more girls on this site. At least the one I see responding.
Well the main three, Meowzer, Flower and myself are the most common responders of new hobbyists. The only other girls I know that are really active here are Cranberry and smartorl. This site is a little more female friendly than some others, I think that might be a big part of it.


Well-Known Member

I don't have an excuse...I just hang out on the SWF forum all day...or watch Judge Judy...or take a nap..Oh.... that's my excuse! I work night shift and other non-night people are gone all day working or going to school and I have nothing to do. I'm divorced so I have no man to even cater to.
On a day to day thing I just work, eat and sleep...get up and do it all over again. Friday before dark is for doing around the house what I don't do in the week while I work, like laundry and cleaning house. Friday evening into Saturday evening is Shabbat, so there is no shopping, no working, no cooking. So I hang out on the computer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/140#post_3313312
Well, my excuse is that I have no life, LOL
Actually, I have a lot of down time with my job and I can go online on my phone.
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/140#post_3313313
LOL....sounds like me except for the phone part.....I just always have a computer around me
Originally Posted by Flower

I don't have an excuse...I just hang out on the SWF forum all day...or watch Judge Judy...or take a nap..Oh.... that's my excuse! I work night shift and other non-night people are gone all day working or going to school and I have nothing to do. I'm divorced so I have no man to even cater to.
On a day to day thing I just work, eat and sleep...get up and do it all over again. Friday before dark is for doing around the house what I don't do in the week while I work, like laundry and cleaning house. Friday evening into Saturday evening is Shabbat, so there is no shopping, no working, no cooking. So I hang out on the computer.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ernestpolska http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/140#post_3313431
lols i got yelled at not to long ago too because i thought flower was a he .....lols

Oh could any self respecting man be called FLOWER...Of all the names that one is girly for sure. Reminds me of a little story:
When my daughter was a tiny tot just walking, she was as bald as an onion. Everyone called her a boy. So One day I dressed her in a solid pink dress and taped a big pink bow on her head. She was playing in yard...An older man came by the fence and noticed her...he leans over he fence and says.."When I was a little boy my mother dressed me up like a little girl too."
Sometimes no matter what I just can't win..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/140#post_3313488

Oh could any self respecting man be called FLOWER...Of all the names that one is girly for sure. Reminds me of a little story:
When my daughter was a tiny tot just walking, she was as bald as an onion. Everyone called her a boy. So One day I dressed her in a solid pink dress and taped a big pink bow on her head. She was playing in yard...An older man came by the fence and noticed her...he leans over he fence and says.."When I was a little boy my mother dressed me up like a little girl too."
Sometimes no matter what I just can't win..

As a baby, our daughter was called a boy on occasion and my son, as a baby, was called a girl on occasion. Its just one of those things.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/140#post_3313521
As a baby, our daughter was called a boy on occasion and my son, as a baby, was called a girl on occasion. Its just one of those things.

OH come on...a pink dress and a big pink bow...I was usd to people thinking her a boy, I never stressed about it...however THAT DAY...she was a SHE without doubt, and the old fellow found a way to call her a he... I wasn't mad at the guy, just surprised that even the outfit didn't help her, I just shook my head in disbelief..
Nizz...LOL... I have gay friends, and even a Gay man would not call himself Flower. Most fellows pick a girly version of their name...My friend Phil wanted to be called Patty, keeping the P... for example, I can see Violet or Rose, even Daisy but not just Flower.


Yah I guess so. I don't think gay. So I am not in the loop outside of what I see. Either way its all gravy.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/380219/my-introduction/140#post_3313488

Oh could any self respecting man be called FLOWER...Of all the names that one is girly for sure. Reminds me of a little story:
When my daughter was a tiny tot just walking, she was as bald as an onion. Everyone called her a boy. So One day I dressed her in a solid pink dress and taped a big pink bow on her head. She was playing in yard...An older man came by the fence and noticed her...he leans over he fence and says.."When I was a little boy my mother dressed me up like a little girl too."
Sometimes no matter what I just can't win..

My niece gets called a boy all the time for two reasons 1) she is 10 months old and has barely any hair 2) her name is Ryann (pronounced Ryan like the boy's name).
Oh...I think a couple people on here referred to me as a guy but I am a girl. I do not know what guy would use gemmy.