My introduction


Try being a girl that is named Tommie .... That's fun to explain to people over the phone when they ask, "Who am I speaking with?" You respond, "Tommie," and they go, "No really, who am I speaking with." Fun times. My name is actually Tommie Lynn, but since I never had the hyphen put in my name Tommie is seen as my first name and Lynn as my second, even on my driver's license. Sucks...


Ok I have another question. I will try to take a picture of it. But, that might be a little hard to do. I was looking on my rocks last night with the light off and I notice something in the hole of the rock (crater mainly). The animal is clear, with what looks like bubble tentacles coming out around it. Not very long for what I can see. I can see the mouth of the animal as a little white slit in the center. When I turn on lights or if I shine my flashlight in the tank. It retracts back into the hole. So to me, the animal is light sensitive. To me I am thinking it’s a hydroid. But, I am not sure if they are light sensitive. So what is your guys input on this?
I think I did see a couple of these in the tank now. I will try to suck them out with my baster. But, if that doesn’t work. I will just get some Joe’s juice or kalkwasser to see if that gets rid of them. I only see two of these guys.


sorry no. that was the second thing i am thinking i have on a small scale. I will take care of it soon. But, the first paragragh is a different thing,


Here is a picture of what I am talking about in the first paragraph. Its not fully out. But, I am hoping it might look similiar to someone on this board.
Its the one that has all those little dots in the center of the picture.


So I have a another question again. What do you guys/ladies think about HOB refugiums? I maybe have to keep my 90 gal and was thinking about putting a 36" HOB refugium with a HOB CPR dual protein skimmer. I know they stick out about 4.5" (at least the one I saw anyway).


Well-Known Member

Any refugium is better than no refugium. It’s a safe place for tiny critters like copepods and amphipods to breed making free healthy fish food for your tank.

Larger refugiums with deep sand beds are good for lowering nirates a well.


I am looking at the deep sand bed thing with refugiums. I have seen and read chaeto being the algae of choice. Now I have read that the miracle mud is not worth getting. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member

Well I have a little in tank isn’t much use with a 90g tank…but I got some of that Fiji mud and mixed it in there with the sand. Some of the mud got lose in the tank because the suction cups on the refugium didn’t hold.
The main tank was very cloudy and instructions on the mud said turn off the power heads and it will settle and clear..well it did and the next morning I did my water tests, and for the first time in 6 years I had 0 nitrate readings on my tank and my corals looked really good. Nitrates quickly climbed back up but I really think that mud did something good and it wasn’t much that got into the tank.
I know often we have something happen in our tanks and we credit it good or bad to the immediate event before it…so my experience may or may not be the Fiji mud, but I haven’t had 0 nitrate readings since.


nice .....I will look into it sometime. See what a good mixture would be of mud and sand. I have seen all sorts of stuff. So, I will have to do more searching.


So what HOB refugium do you have for you 90 gal? I am looking at the CPR large and the Aquatic Ecosystems refugium. I am just wondering which one would be enough for a 90 gal tank.


well shizel. Anybody else use a HOB refugium on there tank and close to the size tank I will be using it for.


The CPR large HOB model is really nice. If you can fit that behind your tank, you'd be set.
I'm not a fan of miracle mud, it depletes quickly. You're better off with sand from an existing tank. The 20g that I recently set up was 50% sand from an existing tank and 50% wet live sand that comes in a bag. I threw a few small pieces of LR in there that I knew had some bristleworms and a decent amount of pods, some chaeto and some caulerpa and it was good to go. When I find really big bristleworms in my main tank that I can easily pluck out, I pull them out and throw them in the refugium as well. I currently have 4 Nassarius snails, a handful of hermits, a fireshrimp, a pistol shrimp/yasha goby combo, 1 turbo snail and 1 purple rock boring urchin in there.
Any size refugium is better than nothing. I was having a terrible time with nitrates, added a refugium (a 20G for a 155G DT) and within 3 days the nitrates dropped significantly.


Yeah. I am also looking at doing a DIY PVC hang on plumbing so I can use a fugue sump and a good size skimmer. Just weighting the options. It sucks not having holes drilled already.