my large bta set foot on my star polyps


Active Member
will it (star polyps) survive? i try to remove it but i think it will create more problem because my bta foot have a good grip on the rocks that the star is on .i move the rock at up in the tank hoping the bta leave the star polyps rock .


Active Member
If its directly over the green star it will kill it because it will block the light and flow and will sting it.


Active Member
I would move the rock and make it unfavorable for the aneneome. Maybe put it in direct flow of a powerhead? Closed GSP's dont' seem to mind being in direct flow for a day or two at all.
Might want to rip off a chunk of the mat of GSPs and put it on another rock incase it does kill them so you can keep growing them and not lose anything.


Active Member
I'm really surprised that the anemone is not getting stung up by the star polyps as well. They pack quite a punch too.


Active Member
You can aim a PH at the bta or place a bag of ice around it's foot. That should encourage it to let go.